How to know if you suffer from burnout syndrome and how to avoid it

The burnout syndrome refers to the chronification of work stress , a state in which the worker progressively suffers a loss of interest in this activity, until his personality and self-esteem are altered. It is characterized by a feeling of regret when attending work, together with a feeling of having many tasks to do but very little time to complete them, which generates a state of permanent anxiety and stress.

In general, the burnout syndrome manifests itself in professions that are related to the treatment of the public and clients, but this is not a limitation so that it can occur in other occupations.

Find out how to know if you have burnout syndrome and how to prevent it.

Cómo evita el síndrome del burnout

Most common symptoms of burnout syndrome

If your job expectations do not correspond with reality, pay attention to if you present the following symptoms:

  • Physical exhaustion reflected in weight gain, loss of appetite, migraines, or muscle aches.
  • Mental fatigue; stress and anxiety.
  • Behavior change, such as irritability, harshness, detachment, or trouble concentrating.
  • Inability to perform work, decreased productivity, and lack of motivation.

In case you comply with the symptoms, do not resign yourself to feeling this way. Put the following tips into practice to change the way you perceive your work .

Síntomas más comunes del síndrome del burnout

4 tips to counteract burnout syndrome

1. Take intentional and energizing breaks

Contrary to what many people think, taking short breaks throughout the day can increase your productivity as well as decrease stress.

The ideal is to work intense days with a high level of concentration, interrupted by short periods of scheduled breaks. Try to direct your breaks to social interactions with friends or colleagues; this way, you will feel less exhausted during the day.

Cómo combatir el síndrome del burnout

2. Protect your time and be the owner of your calendar

Try blocking time frames on your own calendar: this will prevent last minute meetings or meetings scheduled by your colleagues from leaking many times without notice. In this way, you can control the fast-paced work culture.

On the other hand, you should prioritize doing your own work before helping others, and inform those involved that you are not available during that time.

Also try to plan your vacation well in advance and notify the competent person.

4 consejos para contrarrestar el síndrome del burnout

3. Set expectations

Setting job expectations is usually an exercise that lets you know what you want and how to achieve it. This will allow you to set goals and the time you need to achieve them. From there, the necessary aspects will emerge to carry them out and climb in your profession; for example, learn another language.

Setting expectations will allow you to focus your energies on what will really help you crystallize your goals.

Cómo prevenir el sindrome del burnout

4. Set the time when your workday ends

Establish the time at which your workday begins and ends, taking into account that you must comply with it if you expect to be taken seriously. Especially the arrival time.

Making your departure time more flexible can have negative effects. For example, your colleagues can get used to communicating with you at any time. However, if you need to be receptive on the weekends, set a set schedule, outside of which you don’t allow them to contact you.

4 medidas para evitar el síndrome del burnout


Burnout syndrome is the result of different causes, but if some measures are taken, it can be neutralized before it manifests itself. For this, it is crucial to identify and modify the working conditions that generate stress and anxiety and try to remedy them.


  • 4 Reasons Why You’re Burned Out – Plus Ways to Counteract It. For Livestrong. [Revised January 2020]