How to know if the thyroid is responsible for your health problems

Studies estimate that thyroid gland disease is more common than diabetes or heart disease and that it is often misdiagnosed or undetected.

This small gland at the base of the neck controls functions throughout the body, including the regulation of other hormones, energy levels, and metabolism.

Thyroid dysfunction can wreak havoc, creating uncomfortable symptoms if hormone levels stay out of range. Understanding the common symptoms of thyroid problems and when to see a doctor can save your health. Therefore, find out if the thyroid is responsible for your health problems .

Algunos problemas de salud causados por la tiroides

Symptoms that indicate a thyroid problem

Symptoms associated with a thyroid disease are often caused by low levels of this hormone, also known as hypothyroidism , including weight gain or inability to lose weight, sensitivity to cold, weakness or fatigue, depression, paleness, constipation, poor memory, dry skin and hair, and brittle nails.

Signs of the less common condition of overactive thyroid ( hyperthyroidism ) include involuntary weight loss, fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, anxiety or irritability, trembling, insomnia, feeling hot or sweating more than normal, and muscle weakness.

Other potential thyroid symptoms include pain at the base of the neck or throat and swelling or a lump under the area of the Adam's apple. Any pain or swelling should be a reason for immediate medical consultation.

Problemas de salud causados por la tiroides

What is hypothyroidism?

Underactive thyroid is also known as hypothyroidism, and it is usually caused by an autoimmune disease called Hashimoto's disease , a problem in which the body attacks its own thyroid tissue and fails to produce the hormone levels for optimal health.

If you have symptoms of low thyroid activity, your doctor may run some tests to see if you may have Hashimoto's disease or other forms of hypothyroidism. Elevated levels of the hormone TSH are used to diagnose hypothyroidism or another condition called " subclinical hypothyroidism ", which the European Thyroid Journal describes as increased levels of the hormone TSH with normal levels of the hormones T3 and T4.

Problemas del hipotiroidismo

What is hyperthyroidism?

An overactive thyroid is also known as hyperthyroidism and is less common than low thyroid dysfunction.

It is often caused by an autoimmune condition called Graves' disease , which causes the body to make too much T4. Again, this is more common in women than men, and symptoms will present with involuntary weight loss, rapid heartbeat or tremors, high blood pressure, anxiety or irritability, and trouble sleeping.

If you have these symptoms, see your doctor for a blood test to assess your thyroid function.

Síntomas de hipertiroidismo

Thyroid cancer and goiter

Pain in the neck or throat, swelling, or a hoarse voice are reasons to control your thyroid. Cancer can present itself through nodules, although the American Cancer Society says that most thyroid nodules are benign or non-cancerous .

Thyroid cancer is the fifth most common cancer in women, and typical treatments include surgery and radioactive iodine. It is a type of cancer that is diagnosed at an earlier age compared to other types: two-thirds of all cases are diagnosed in people under 55 years of age.

Goiter, meanwhile, is caused by a lack of mineral iodine and causes a large, swollen lump at the base of the throat. With goiter, the thyroid gland enlarges as it searches for iodine. Thus, any signs of swelling or pain in the thyroid area should be evaluated immediately.

La tiroides y su influencia en la salud

Thyroid function tests

If you seek medical attention for your thyroid, you will hear terms like "T3", "T4" or "TSH", but what do they mean?

T3 means triiodothyronine and T4 means thyroxine . The T4 is made of T3, so it is important to check both levels.

The thyroid gland and the pituitary gland in the brain are constantly communicating, and the pituitary tells the thyroid the correct hormone levels to pump. This message is sent through TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone).

The TSH level is used to diagnose hypothyroidism because it will rise with this condition. The ideal balance between T3, T4, and TSH will create harmony in the body, but high or low levels can indicate a problem with disease, medications, or thyroid hormone damage. If problems with the thyroid nodules are suspected, the doctor may order an ultrasound of the area.

Problemas asociados a la tiroides

Thyroid and body weight

Some studies have shown a correlation between increased body weight and hypothyroidism .

In a large study in the BioMed Central Endocrine Disorder Journal , elevated levels of the hormone TSH were strongly associated with metabolic syndrome, a set of symptoms associated with the development of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. Also, in the same study associated a higher waist circumference with hypothyroidism or low thyroid function.

In this study, some cases with TSH in the normal range showed an increase in weight with each increase of one unit in the hormone TSH. This means that as TSH levels increase, weight increases along with it.

However, while there is research showing a relationship between hypothyroidism and weight gain and abdominal fat, many people falsely associate the weight struggles associated with thyroid dysfunction, as weight control can be difficult and multifactorial, so you should definitely talk to your doctor.

La tiroides puede generar aumento de peso

Medical help to treat the thyroid

If you think you may have a thyroid problem, tell your doctor. Definitely, the symptom clusters of hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism should be addressed. For example, constantly feeling cold, struggling with overweight, dry skin, brittle nails, fatigue, or depression could indicate an underactive thyroid gland.

A doctor will evaluate thyroid function with some simple blood tests and may suggest an ultrasound or other monitoring test to check this critical gland and rule out thyroid disease .

Consultar al médico por problemas de tiroides


  • Hultin, G. Could Your Thyroid Be the Culprit? Everything You Need to Know About Thyroid Disease. For Livestrong [Revised November 2018]