How to hypertrophy abdominals: 3 tips to achieve it

Hypertrophy abdominals is one of the goals of many of the people who start in the world of sports. The main objective of hypertrophying abdominals is to grow the muscle and define it; With this, a well-toned and marked abdomen is achieved, but how to achieve it? What exercises can you practice to achieve this?

What is abdominal hypertrophy?

The correct term is muscular hypertrophy and it consists of the growth of the muscles of a specific area of the body, in this case, the abdominal muscles. With this, an increase in the size of the muscle myofibrils is achieved; These myofibrils are made up of about 1,500 myosin filaments and 3,000 actin filaments. These are responsible for muscle contraction.

hipertrofiar abdominales

To hypertrophy abdominals, or any other part of the body, three important factors must be taken into account: muscle damage, metabolic stress and mechanical tension. The intensity with which the training is performed will determine the mechanical tension in each training. This is identified with the amount of weight that is loaded in each session, as well as with the time under tension. What tension does is cause muscle damage and, consequently, an inflammatory reaction that stimulates muscle growth.

In order to hypertrophy abdominals you must combine strength training with a proper diet. Strength is important because, by increasing muscle mass, you will also be able to increase strength; however, hypertrophy is not always proportional to achieving greater strength, which is why it is so important to set your goals.

Benefits of abdominal hypertrophy

Abdominal hypertrophy brings multiple benefits to the body. We start by telling you that with this type of training it is possible to increase the basal metabolism, that is, the energy expenditure that the body has naturally and that is consumed only by doing activities as basic as walking. In addition, abdominal hypertrophy also helps activate and stimulate blood circulation, improve body tone and increase bone density.

The results of abdominal hypertrophy are also palpable in the posture of the body, as it improves and it is possible to avoid annoying back pain. Finally, you can also improve the control you have over your body and, consequently, prevent and avoid injuries.

How to hypertrophy the abdominals?

1. Protein diet

Before starting the training to hypertrophy the muscles of the abdomen, you must bear in mind that it is essential to have muscle mass in this area of the body. However, having this muscle mass is useless by itself, it is important to enhance it and that can only be achieved, in addition to exercise, with a proper diet that helps reduce body fat.

Keep in mind that if you have a few extra kilos, you will have to focus the diet on weight loss and then on increasing muscle mass. For weight loss, there are many eating plans that you can follow, such as the low-carbohydrate or low-calorie diet; choose the one that best suits your lifestyle. If you have already gotten rid of those extra kilos, then you should follow a diet that helps you gain muscle mass.

Within the general guidelines of this type of diet we find, for example, the consumption of more calories than are burned, the increase in protein intake and the inclusion of good fats in the diet. Avoid, for example, the consumption of refined sugars and other industrialized products and alcohol. You can also help yourself with a sports supplement that helps you gain muscle mass.

2. Rest, hydration and no more cardio

Surprisingly, you won’t get much if you overstress your muscles. It is essential to treat the abdominals like any other muscle in the body. That is why it is essential that, between training sessions, you have a couple of days of rest in which the muscles can recover and grow. This means rest from exercise, but not from diet.

On the other hand, it is very important that, when you finish a training session, you eat immediately to help the body’s metabolism. The times of the day when you eat are crucial in order to achieve your goal of abdominal hypertrophy. It’s also important to stay very well hydrated because, believe it or not, drinking enough water keeps your muscles healthy and hydrated. And why is hydration so important? This is essential if you do not want to suffer contractures that prevent you from continuing with the exercise.

Lastly, when it comes to hypertrophying abs , cardio exercises have little relevance. Sports like swimming, biking, or running are fine if you want to burn calories or perhaps as a way to stretch or warm up before training to hypertrophy your muscles.

rueda abdominal

3. Exercises to hypertrophy abdominals

If what you are looking for is to hypertrophy the muscles of the abdomen, it is not enough to do a series of planks and sit-ups at the end of your training routine. You must develop a detailed plan and stick to it to achieve the development of the muscles of this area of the body. As general recommendations, it is important to note that you must use a load that allows you to perform a maximum of twenty repetitions and four series of each exercise you perform.

If you are just starting out, it will suffice to perform two different exercises and, after some time has elapsed and the area has been trained, then you can combine them with more complex exercises. Here is a short list of exercises that you can choose to do to get started in this training:

  • Crunch with high pulley. This exercise is executed by placing the pulley on a high rope, while you stand on your knees and with your back to the machine. Bring your hands up to your head, holding onto the pulley handle, and try to lean forward as far as you can.
  • Crunches with weight. You can find a wide variety of weighted crunches, such as dumbbells. A good option is to practice them on a bench and with your feet positioned high, as a support, while your hands are behind your head, holding the dumbbell. In this position you should execute a normal abdominal.
  • abdominal wheel. Simple exercise in which, on your knees and holding a special wheel, with weights at your sides, you slide your body forward until you stretch your arms. The key is to do it slowly.
  • Leg lift. These exercises are great for abdominal hypertrophy and you can add a bit of weight, but don’t overdo it. The trick is to raise and lower your legs as straight as you can.