How to get a flat stomach without the need for shrugs

Abs exercises are sometimes tedious and at some point, they also become ineffective in finding the much-desired six-pack.

Most people don’t realize that without a strong core, you’re unlikely to get abs. And your core encompasses much more than just your abs . Include the hips, lower back, and buttocks.

The core is much more dynamic than the abs, and it is also the starting point for all your body movements. With this in mind, discover how to get a flat abdomen without the need for shrugs .Abdomen plano sin encogimientos

Exercises to get a flat abdomen

1. Crab walk

Childhood crab walking races were more successful than one realizes, which is why many athletes practice the movement as adults.

Believe it or not it has a bit of difficulty, but it will improve your resistance in arms and legs while strengthening your abs.

How is it done?

  • Place your hands and feet on the floor (face up).
  • Press down on your hands and feet to lift your hips until your body forms a straight line from your knees to your mid-back.
  • Keeping this line of the body straight, walk alternating steps with the right hand and foot and the left hand and foot.Obtén un abdomen plano con la caminata de cangrejo

2. Crab-style hip lift

Is the regular crab-style hip lift too easy for you? So, try this variation.

  1. At the top of the crab position, put one arm forward while maintaining a flat body position, then return your hand to the ground.
  2. Repeat this with each arm and leg. For an added challenge, lift one arm and the other leg, touching your toe above your body.Ejercicios para obtener un abdomen plano sin encogimientos

3. Side plates

Side planks aren’t just for sculpting your obliques , they can also lower your injury rate.

How are they made?

  • Lie on your side with your arm bent and your elbow under your shoulder.
  • Push off your feet and forearm to lift your hips off the ground and form a straight line from your feet to your shoulders.
  • Hold the position for a minute (ideal), but if you can’t, try shorter sets.Planchas laterales para obtener un abdomen plano

4. Toe touch

This Pilates movement is much more difficult than it sounds. Pilates classes are all about core control, so don’t be surprised if your abdomen starts to shake during this exercise.

How is it done?

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent 90 degrees with your shins parallel to the floor.
  • Without changing the inclination of the knees, and most importantly, without allowing any part of the lower back to arch and lose contact with the floor, lower one leg to the ground until you touch the ground with the ball of your foot. .
  • Return your leg to the original position, then move on to the other leg.

Do 10 or more repetitions of this exercise.Ejercicios para fortalecer el core y el abdomen sin encogimientos

5. Throwing the ball to the ground

Eliminate your stress and frustrations with this exercise. The throw of the ball to the ground uses the same muscles as a standard contraction. But, the difference is that this move also engages your hips, back, and shoulders, and can be an incredible stress reliever after a long day.

How is it executed?

  • Take a ball / ball with both hands and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, knees and elbows slightly bent.
  • Hold the ball directly over your head, and then toss it toward the floor, leaning slightly forward as you do so. Get the ball back and repeat.Lanzamiento de balón al piso para obtener un abdomen plano

6. Leg raises

Do this basic move every day to get incredible abs as they combine strength and balance.

How it is performed?

  • Lie on your back with your arms straight or under your head, your legs bent, and your feet on the floor.
  • Maintaining a natural curve in your spine, tighten your core and slowly lift your legs so that your shins are parallel to the floor.
  • Go back to the beginning and repeat.Rutina para obtener un abdomen plano

7. Straight leg raises

For a more difficult version of leg raises, keep them straight the entire time, rather than having them parallel to the floor. And for a much tougher challenge, if you’re doing this move on a bar, try getting your feet up onto the bar while keeping a stiff torso and knees straight.

Levantamiento de piernas rectas para un abdomen plano

8. Farmer’s walk

It may not seem like it, but the farmer’s walk is an extremely effective exercise . You don’t realize it, but you have to tense your entire torso to maintain a straight posture while lifting weights.

To further challenge the core, shift your entire body weight to one side, holding a kettlebell or kettlebell at hip level with your arms extended or in a fishnet position (with your elbows bent). Then all you have to do is walk. These one-sided carries create side-to-side instability that your core has to compensate for.


  • Presto, G. Why Crunches Won’t Give You Flat Abs – and the 12 Moves that Will! For Livestrong [Revised February 2018]