How to do sit-ups correctly: here's the trick

If you are tired of the typical abdominal exercises that all they do is cause discomfort in your back, try doing crunches in the way that we propose. Work the abdomen intelligently with this routine that today we bring you to know how to do abs correctly.

Anatomy of the abdomen

The muscles that make up what we call abdominals can be classified into five anatomical areas : posterior part, lateral part, anterior part, upper part and lower part; in each of these parts we will find muscles.

Although it is very difficult to isolate only one area when training, it is true that there are exercises that can focus the stimulus to one of the specific areas.

Next we are going to reel off the muscles that belong to each area and we will try to provide specific exercises for all of them.



This part is made up of the muscles:

Lumbar square

The quadrilateral lumbar is a flat and quadrilateral muscle that is located between the last rib and the iliac crest and whose main function is to produce the inclination of the lumbar towards the same side and of the iliac crest, in addition to exerting function on the ribs. .


The psoas is one of the most well-known and important muscles in our body, since its involvement ranges from when we walk, run, jump to when we sit down or want to lie down to watch television. But it does not stop there, it is also a fundamental muscle when it comes to maintaining good posture and body hygiene.

When we talk about its location, we cannot fail to mention that it is one of the deepest muscles in our body. It runs on both sides of the spine from the 12th thoracic vertebra, passing through each of the lumbar vertebrae, crossing through the trunk and pelvis until it reaches the top of the femur.


This muscle acts in very important functions and in most cases it is the cause of the uncomfortable and annoying low back pain.

The main function of this muscle tissue is the hip flexion function.

Lumbar bridge

The lumbar bridge is a magnificent exercise to work this area that we have described. In addition, doing it in an isometric way ( holding the elevated position without lowering ) will help increase its intensity and will require greater activation of the stabilizing muscles.


These are the muscles found on the side walls of our trunk . We could say that it is the outermost tissue of our abdomen.

This part is made up of the muscles:

Major oblique

The greater oblique or external oblique as it is usually known is the muscle with the largest extension in the abdomen . It is placed on the lateral and external part of the trunk.

The function of this muscle is the tilt to the same side and the rotation.

Minor oblique

It is in a deeper plan than the previous one. In addition to helping to rotate and flex the trunk , it is in charge of producing some of the movements that are needed during breathing, especially when the exhalation phase is carried out.


The transversus abdominis is part of the set of several layers of muscles that make up the abdominal belt . This muscle is the deepest of the abdominal muscles and, like the obliques, its muscle fibers are located on the lateral part of the body and join in a large transverse fascia until reaching the linea alba.

To work the lateral part of our abdomen, one of the best exercises is the side plank . With this movement your muscles will be worked and your intervertebral discs will not suffer damage.

Anterior part

We speak of the part anterior to the most frontal muscles of the abdomen. It is made up of the muscles:


The rectus anterior muscle is an elongated and thick muscle that extends from the anteroinferior part of the thorax to the pubis, along the midline or linea alba.

When it comes to abs, you make the mistake of thinking only about this muscle, since it is the one that shapes your midsection. Its main function is to flex and extend the trunk.


The pyramidal muscle is a small, triangular muscle found in the lower rectus abdominis and is usually absent in approximately 20% of the population.
Its origin begins in the pubis and inserts in the linea alba, below the navel.

To work the anterior area of the abdomen we could use the typical crunch movement.

Upper part

The upper part of the abdomen is the part forgotten by many. This part refers to the area below the sternum.


It is a flat, thin muscle that divides the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity in the shape of a dome. It is a muscle that, unlike what is believed, is in constant movement, since it has a direct intervention in the breathing process . Unlike the rest of the muscles that make up your core, the diaphragm requires relaxation exercises that can help decongest and relax the area.

To work your diaphragm we propose the 90-90 bridge exercise with ball and balloon.


The lower part of the abdomen is called the lower part. The muscles are located in it:


When we talk about the perineum, perineum or pelvic floor, we refer to that part of the body that corresponds to the pelvic floor. It is a set of muscles and ligaments that close the floor of the abdomen, keeping the uterus, bladder and rectum in proper position and in suspension .

The perineal muscles, like the rest of the muscles, lose strength over time, so it is very important that we perform exercises focused on this area that allows us to keep them strong and healthy.

The smart routine to do sit-ups

The following exercise routine can be done anywhere. It is recommended to work with it about 3 times a week and it is necessary to adapt the exercises to the level and physical condition of each person . For this, the supervision of a physical activity and health professional is necessary.

Exercise Series Repetitions
A1 Lumbar bridge 3x 12
A2 Isometric lumbar bridge (holding up position) 3x 30 seconds
B1 Shrugs 3x fifteen
B2 Iron 3x 30 seconds
Side plank 3x 30 seconds each side
Bridge 90-90 3x 12 breaths
Perineal exercise 3x 10 reps


To have a strong and healthy abdomen, you must work it in each of the planes. Although it is true that the abdominal muscles cannot be specifically isolated, since most exercises for this area involve more than one muscle , it is true that each exercise will work each plane of the muscles to a greater or lesser extent. of the abdomen.


  • Cruz Cidoncha, A., Valle de Lersundi, AR Complex Abdominal Wall Surgery Manual
  • BBC Mundo (July 19, 2017) How to exercise the psoas, one of the most important and unknown muscles of the body (and also called the soul muscle).
  • Jlfisios. Transverse abdominal muscle.
  • The caregiver’s corner. Perineal exercise program.