How to cope with a toxic work environment

In every workplace you can find bad bosses or people with whom we do not get along, and this begins to create a toxic work environment .

We have all been able to deal with these situations at work at some point, however there are times when these situations can escalate to a traumatic level, leaving lasting emotional scars. Generally, they are associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) . They can also be caused by psychological harassment or violence (mobbing).

Symptoms can include flashbacks, denial of memories of traumatic events, insomnia, or a rush of emotions. Does it sound familiar to you? Find out more about the extreme stresses that can occur in the workplace and get some tips to help you rid yourself of negative emotions.

Afrontar un ambiente de trabajo tóxico

Toxic work scenarios and how to deal with them

1. The toxic boss

Toxic leaders are simply destructive. Some of its characteristics include, lying, deliberately undermining, degrading and intimidating others, in addition to establishing confrontational relationships between people.

When bosses are the bullies, they use their rank to change the perception of the entire mandate of their goals, making their employees think they are less skilled.

How to deal with the behavior of a toxic boss?

Victims of toxic boss abuse should document the behavior, as they may fall into a situation of unlawful harassment. With reasonable documentation proving destructive behaviors, employees can approach human resources. But if the company does not respond or decides to retaliate, workers may consider taking legal action.

The second thing you should do is stay calm. The toxic boss can wear down your confidence, criticize you, etc. This happens because you may have an ” empathy deficit disorder .” If you continue working with him, you must learn not to take things personally, and learn to separate the professional from the personal.

If you have been fortunate enough to have been able to leave that toxic environment, give yourself some time to heal emotionally. Repeat to yourself, “I did the best I could in a bad situation,” and move on with an emphasis on the future.

cómo afrontar a un jefe tóxico

2. Mobbing

The consequences of being mobbed in the workplace, be it verbal or physical assaults or even damage to someone’s reputation, can be a decrease in productivity, poor performance in goals and losing control of your obligations. But this is not the worst: health is also in danger. Mobbing prolongs the stressors of bullying and can cause severe health damage such as:

  • Stress.
  • Heart problems.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders.
  • Weakened immune system
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Symptoms of extreme stress can even include nausea, tremors, headaches, high blood pressure, and chest pain.

How to deal with mobbing?

You should always keep in mind that you must document any harmful behavior and report what happened to a superior. We know that it is difficult to trust coworkers again after a situation similar to this one, but it is recommended that you be courteous without entering into any emotional exchange on your part, in fact, you should set limits in your interactions with your colleague / s if you live this situation. Physical attacks such as hitting, kicking, pinching, spitting, pushing or the like, must be reported to the police immediately.

Mobbing en el trabajo

How to recover from mobbing?

If you have the possibility, interact with other co-workers who are not aggressive and try to strengthen your relationships with them, they can help you heal the trauma of mobbing. Think and say “These are not the same people, I have to give them a chance and not project my fears onto them.”

Victims of mobbing can also find help with companies’ employee assistance programs, which can offer advice to workers to deal with these types of issues.

3. Sexual harassment

It is very shocking, but some surveys report that up to one in three women has been subjected to sexual harassment in their workplace. Harassment does not mean that it must necessarily be sexual in nature, it can also include offensive comments about a person’s sex. Also, the bully may not only be your boss, but also a co-worker or even a customer.

What to do about sexual harassment?

You have every right to feel like a victim in this situation and to document the circumstances of the harassment to your superiors and to the company’s Human Resources Department. Seek legal help if you believe you were fired or demoted as a result of this.

acoso sexual en el trabajo ¿cómo enfrentarlo?

How to recover from a situation of sexual harassment?

Dealing with guilt and self-doubt is the key to recovering from sexual harassment. Meditate every day for a week, try to minimize the feeling of shame, and be clear that what happened is not your fault. A support group can be very helpful in healing from trauma, especially one where you can express your emotions.

4. Cutbacks and layoffs

If you are grieving the loss of your job, you are not alone. The response to job loss can effectively reflect the 5 stages of grieving the loss of a loved one (denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance). There is a process of pain involved in being fired and losing your job, especially if it is something you like or if it is financial aid to the kind of life you want.

What to do when you are fired from your job?

Many people lose valuable time in the first few months, when they could be incessantly looking for a new job or finding it online. Most people fall into anxiety, irritability, anger, frustration, and embarrassment.

Focus on regaining confidence in your employability. Your self-esteem should be based on what kind of person you are. We know that in this situation it is difficult, however you must remember that the cuts or layoffs are not about you personally. Practice positive conversation and remember all your skills.

Taking care of yourself and trying to stay positive should be your top priorities after losing your job. To cope with layoffs, some people do something productive every day. If you can, try to seek professional help to treat anxiety and depression.

¿cómo afrontar los despidos o recortes en el trabajo?


  • Deborah Day, How to recover from toxic work environments. For Livestrong [Revised May 2016]