How to calculate a repetition maximum?

In strength training, one repetition maximum (1-RM) is much more than a piece of information to brag about. The idea that it is just a number for a maximum lift is wrong. One repetition maximum is necessary for quality scheduling, conditioning, and training.

When it comes to constant strength training, these reps help calculate multiple training variables and the flow of a routine. This provides a lift for micro, meso and macro cycles and helps lifters to push their potential from a strategic point of view.

What is one repetition maximum (1-RM)?

A one rep max is the absolute maximum amount that can be lifted for one rep of any exercise. This type of repetition will leave nothing in the energy tank and leaves lifters and athletes with an internal feeling of not being able to add more weight to the bar if they tried.

The rep max is often expressed as 1RM or one rep max. This indicates the heaviest weight you can lift with maximum effort in a single rep. A 1RM is the personal weight lifting record for a squat, deadlift, or any other weight lifting exercise.

The 1RM measurement is a standard in weight training to improve score. By establishing a 1RM and following it, we can observe progress. It is an accurate measurement, so it can help us assess how effective the training is. Plus, you get positive reinforcement and a sense of accomplishment when you have a way of seeing improvements clearly.

Unlike using only 1-RM for compound exercises, there can be a 1-RM for any exercise. However, it’s worth noting that not all 1-RMs will carry the same weight when it comes to guiding a strategic routine. It is also worth noting that some exercises are not worth maximizing due to the risk ratio.

Benefits of its use in training

There are several benefits to knowing 1-RMs and using them strategically. These benefits will slide and change based on your goals, needs, and overall training status.

Better training schedule

The first benefit of knowing or having an idea of ​​a maximum repetition is that it creates a better schedule. A great program will be structured to advance strength and adaptations in a strategic way. The maximum rep data can help dictate the flow of training within:

  • Macrocycles: annual or annual scope of training
  • Mesocycles: 3-8 week blocks that are designed to accommodate various adaptations
  • Microcycles: 1-2 weeks of training that have a very specific focus

In these timelines, the routines will use self-regulating methods such as RPE, RIR, speed-based training, and others to dictate training intensities. Therefore, maximum repetitions can help add depth to intensity programming.

Daily workouts

Another benefit of knowing MRIs is how they help us schedule training. Whether we do workouts for ourselves or others, rep max can help provide a better idea of ​​where our bodies are.

For example, if someone is feeling frazzled and doesn’t know their 1-RM for several days of training, then they’re probably randomly pushing too high intensities too often, which is less than ideal for hitting the gym.

mujer haciendo repeticion maxima

Who should know your rep max?

Although knowing this information is important to guide us in the design of the routine, it is not exactly necessary for everyone. So who needs to know?

  • Beginners. For most true training novices, knowing your 1-RM is not important because building a base of strength and form should take precedence. Keep in mind that having a loose idea can be useful, but reaching the maximum before it is settled could be counterproductive.
  • Intermediate. Intermediate athletes can benefit from knowing their 1-RM. Intermediates who do not have the ambition to test their true strength in max rep or compete can simply use calculations to better target their training and intensities.
  • Advanced or professional athletes . Advanced lifters and athletes can absolutely benefit from knowing their 1-RMs, and this is a no-brainer. Strength athletes need to know their highs in order to schedule for competition and create realistic goals.

Sports athletes probably don’t need to test or calculate this data and can get away with using a double or triple heavy. The risk is that the payoff is generally non-existent for elite sports athletes and regularly scheduled heavy doubles and triples may be sufficient for the estimated 1-RMs.

hombre haciendo repeticiones maximas

Calculation of the maximum repetition

The MRI check is very mentally and physically exhausting, so we must take that into account before doing them randomly. It is recommended to have a companion to watch and a suitable material. It is recommended to use series of short repetitions to calculate 1-RM, this will help us choose a high weight and approach maximum strength.

A popular and much more beginner- and intermediate-friendly way to find 1-RM is with the use of calculators. This is a great option because they can provide a baseline level to direct your workouts to, without having to test it directly by lifting weights.

For those interested in using maximum repetition calculators to establish an estimate, the requirements are much lower:

  • Knowledge of some heavy double, triple or four rep sessions for a desired lift.
  • The reality is that we only need one number, but having a few numbers to extract can increase precision.
  • Like peak days, 1RM calculators come with their own list of pros and cons.

Calculators are easy to use and accessible to everyone. They can provide training guidance for athletes who are not yet ready to fully maximize. However, they are not as accurate as maxing out.

When it comes to 1-RM calculators, multiple equations are used, but the two most popular tend to be the Brzycki and Baechle formulas. It is advisable to do both calculations to determine a more exact data.

  • Brzycki: weight / (1.0278- (0.0278 x number of repetitions))
  • Baechle: weight x (1 + (0.033 x number of reps))

Even though the rep calculators are easy for everyone to use, there are some tips to keep in mind when using them. Remember that a calculator can always give some discrepancies when it comes to precision, so it should only serve as a guide.