Foods that remove hunger and do not make you fat

At present there are many foods, and although the vast majority are still fresh and natural, of those that nature provides us, there are also quality ultra-processed and processed foods. Among all that amalgam there are satiating foods that help us to maintain the line, not to snack between meals and that help us to have a healthier diet.

We cannot run to the fridge and eat anything when we are hungry, since, as a general rule, we will always go for very palatable food that is full of empty calories such as sweets, chips, chocolate, candy, custard and other desserts , etc. We have to be consistent, and for this we must become aware and responsible for our food and our decisions.

Nutella, for example, or some sweet from the confectionery that we buy before going to visit our grandmother can enter a healthy diet. As long as it is something very punctual and anecdotal, it has a place in the healthy diet. What is not right is to eat it regularly, because then our diet is not healthy.

When we have hunger attacks it is a sign, among other factors, that we are eating well. This is why we are going to indicate below a series of satiating foods that will help us not to peck between meals, with the consequent weight gain and possible worsening of our state of health.

Food in itself does not make us fat, what makes us gain weight are factors such as our lifestyle, type of diet, metabolism, level of physical activity, etc. But now we are only going to show healthy foods that will help us to be satiated much longer and effortlessly.

Potatoes, sweet potato and yucca

Avoiding fried foods and batters, potatoes and other tubers such as sweet potatoes and cassava are very healthy filling foods that we can eat mid-morning or mid-afternoon, although they can also be eaten for lunch and dinner.

If we want to take advantage of all the nutrients we have to consume them with the skin , that will give us the total fiber they have. If we decide to fry them, they will have more calories, but as we have explained before, we can consume them in a timely manner and continue to maintain a healthy diet without problems.

We don’t think that by using an air fryer we are cooking healthier. The fact of frying these tubers considerably reduces their satiating power, but we can choose to fry in oil or with an air fryer from time to time a week.

Un bol con diferentes alimentos que ayudan a saciar el hambre

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables must be the basis of any diet and we will repeat that ad nauseam, and never better said. Jokes aside, if we want to lengthen the space between food and food, raw fruits and vegetables are a good ally, also, if we eat them with their skin, much better because we take advantage of all their nutrients.

What happens is that, when eating fruit in a whole piece, we have to chew more and the stomach has to make a greater effort to digest. Besides, being whole and raw, they contain more water and a higher percentage of fiber, and those are benefits that add up.

If we wash fruits and vegetables well, there should be no problem in consuming them raw and with their skin on. Juices, even if we make them ourselves, will never retain all the vitamins and minerals like the whole piece, that is why we are not very in favor of making juices, smoothies, shakes and others, except on very specific occasions.

Dairy and eggs

In this group of foods enters from a natural yogurt, to a glass of milk, to a piece of cheese. Of course, milk must be whole to be considered satiating foods. Also, skim foods are not healthier, they have simply subtracted calories, and that does not equal healthier.

Creamy Greek-type yogurts are the best option and if we mix it with other satiating foods such as some fruits, then we make a perfect combo that will take away our hunger for about 4 hours . With this type of food we also avoid that sensation of acidity, bloating, heaviness, poor digestion, etc.

In this group we also want to include vegetable options, such as soy yogurts, but to be satiating foods, they must have a high percentage of soy. As well as vegetable milks, as long as they are without sugar and without unnecessary ingredients such as thickeners, oils, dyes, artificial flavors, etc.

With regard to eggs, it is a very satisfying and very nutritious food. If we avoid frying and leave it for very specific occasions, we can make eggs in a pot with water and even in the microwave. There are also other ways such as soft-boiled, boiled, French omelette, scrambled, etc.

Thanks to its healthy fats, its proteins and its wide range of nutrients provide us with satiety throughout the morning or afternoon. If we decide to fry it, the satiety will be reduced by more than half, but it could be worth it if we compensate it with other satiating foods.

Meat and fish

Lean meat and oily fish are two very important satiating food groups that we should consume several times a week. Lean meats are chicken and turkey, for example, and oily fish are tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, etc.

The fresher the product, the better, and you have to avoid ultra-processed and sausages , since they can be satiating if they are of quality, but it is better not to abuse them due to their high level of fat. We have already said before that food is not fattening in itself, but if we do not have a lifestyle that matches the calories we consume, it is quite likely that we will gain weight and worsen our health.

It is important to see how we cook it, it is best to steam so that they retain all their nutrients and do not spoil with the high temperatures of the oven or the pan. In the case of fish, it is a good option to opt for quality preserves, that will save us time and money.

Un plato con alimentos saciantes


Legumes should be in our weekly diet and be consumed several times a week. There are many types of legumes: peas, beans, alfalfa, chickpeas, kidney beans, lima beans, green beans, soybeans, etc.

We do not have to always make a stew to eat legumes, we can use them in vegetable scrambled, make hummus (serve any legume beyond chickpeas), eat them with salads, with rice, to make vegetable fillings in croquettes, etc.

If we mix several satiating foods, we will be covered for more than 4 hours, thus we get rid of the pecking . That is why it is so important to create complete, varied and balanced menus in nutrients and quantities.

Whole grains

Among the best known cereals today we have oats, but there is also wheat, spelled, barley, rye and rice. We must move away from ultra-processed cookies and sugary breakfast cereals and look for healthier options, just as we have already done with the bread we eat every day. Both for one food and for another, the more natural and less processed it is, the more satisfying it will be.

The good thing about wholegrain rices is that they are complex carbohydrates with slow absorption , so they promote satiety. In the case of oatmeal, its satiating power is higher if we mix it with yogurt or milk, hence why oatmeal is such a satisfying and popular breakfast.

Whenever we can, we should choose whole foods, since their difference from “normal” ones is that whole grains preserve the 3 parts of their grain, so it is more natural and healthy, as it is not so processed.

Nuts and seeds

These two food groups should be in our daily diet, and hardly anyone gives them the value they deserve. Nuts in small daily and well-varied amounts are essential and have been shown to be allies to increase satiety and to lose weight. They have a high concentration of calories, protein and fiber , so it is recommended to consume small amounts, and it is the fiber that gives that satiating power.

If we use dry fried or seed flour, we can prepare certain very satisfying and healthy dishes such as pancakes, bread, cakes, etc.

With regard to the seeds, these can be included in any dish and at any time, from yogurts, salads, breads, toasts, smoothies, homemade sweets, creams, tortillas, etc. They are satisfying foods in their entirety. The best known seeds are those of chia, pumpkin, sunflower, poppy, flax, among others.