How to become a runner faster than you are

Regardless of your level, you can be a better runner if you make training a priority. To achieve this, the first thing is to make sure you acquire a solid running technique.

Runners constantly establish progression goals, with this in a short time you can see how your performance grows, and with it, your desire to continue training; However, running fast is a real challenge that requires training, concentration, discipline and determination.

Find out how to gain speed with these hill workouts for runners .

Ser un runner más rápido de lo que eres

Why is it beneficial to run on hills to gain speed?

Hill work is nothing more than the combination of strength and power. During this type of training, you should gradually allow your body to acclimatise allowing it to recover from each routine.

A well-planned and executed hill workout can benefit you in many ways: it will help you build speed, prevent injury, and strengthen your tendons, joints, and ligaments.

Correr en colinas es beneficioso para ganar velocidad

Hill exercises to gain speed

1. Hiking up steep slopes

Brisk walking up a steep incline is great for strengthening your muscles, hamstrings, and calf muscles. This will help you cope with harder work to come.

Another benefit is that it increases your heart rate as much as a slow run, but with less impact and more eccentric loading.

El senderismo te ayuda a ser un runner más rápido

2. Constant intervals on hills

To do this routine, you should run intervals of 5 to 20 minutes with 5 to 10 minutes of recovery. It is advisable to do it up to twice a week.

Likewise, consider that in each interval the intensity should be slightly higher than that which would correspond to your aerobic zone.

Los intervalos en colinas te hacen un runner más rápido

3. Fartlek in hills

To run this routine on a hilly course, run hard on the uphill sections and execute a relaxed pace on the descent. If you do it at a high intensity, this exercise will help you increase strength, power and aerobic capacity .

The main characteristic of the Fartlek on hills is that, as you go, you must add more intensity. For example, you can add a 5-10 second sprint at the top of the hill.

Fartlek en colinas para ser más rápido

4. Hill jumping

Perform this exercise only once a week, as it uses a very powerful jumping motion at takeoff.

Jump from point to point using a long stride when climbing a hill. Recovery is a slow walk back up the hill. 4-8 sets of this exercise will suffice.

Los saltos en colinas te permiten ganar velocidad

5. Hill sprints

This is hill speed work without a prescribed heart rate.

  1. On a hill of approximately 100 meters, start at a moderate pace and work your way at race pace.
  2. In the last 10 seconds, run as fast as you can to the top of the hill.

This training is recommended no more than twice a month. To raise the challenge level you can perform several series of 3 to 4 sprints.

Los sprints en colinas te hacen un runner más rápido

6. Lunges on hills

  • This is an exercise in technique. Work at a short, fast, efficient stride and use your arms to create lift.
  • Your stride rate should be around 30 steps with the right foot for 20 seconds.

Many runners slow down their stride speed and lengthen their stride while trying to climb a hill, but in this exercise you must do the opposite. Don’t forget to count your steps going uphill.

Cómo entrenar la zancada para ser más rápido

Training on the treadmill to gain speed

Not only hills can make you a faster runner: machines like the treadmill or treadmill can help you if you don’t have a hill close to home.

Keep in mind that on a treadmill you can record exactly how many miles you run, in addition to adjusting the incline slightly each week. On the other hand, on a hill your meters are counted and it is difficult to find steep and long slopes.

Likewise, you can focus on your running form. If you are trying, for example, to keep your heart rate low, you can select a speed that will keep it at the desired level. Also, the resistance on a treadmill remains constant , which is relevant for building muscular endurance.

Entrenar en la cinta de correr para aumentar la velocidad

Routines at constant intervals on the treadmill

In this routine you will run at a slow pace, but you will feel the fatigue build up over time. Keep in mind that the pace and / or incline must be adjusted to keep your heart rate at the correct level.

Running intervals should be 5 to 20 minutes with 5 to 10 minutes of recovery between efforts. In addition, you can perform the exercise up to twice a week to increase your muscular endurance.

Entrenamiento en cinta de correr para mayor velocidad de carrera


You will have to train a lot to improve your stamina and speed; rain, thunder or very hot. Consistency and motivation are essential for runners and before starting to add kilometers, you must be aware of this.

Consider training on the treadmill or outdoors, depending on which points you want to reinforce. Creating a training plan is essential to become a faster runner .


  • Stevens, M. Become A Blazing Fast Runner. For Breakingmuscle. [Revised July 2019]