How do you know what skin type you have?

Knowing the type of facial skin we have is essential to have proper care, both hygiene and cosmetic. It is common to see in creams, make-up removers or scrubs how manufacturers separate their products according to skin type (oily, combination, dry, sensitive), as is also the case with hair products.

If you also have doubts about how your skin is and how you can take care of it, we help you differentiate them.

tipo de piel facial

Dry Skin

Having dry skin is the dream of all those who have fat, the reality is not as fantastic as it seems. If we notice taut, rigid, easily flaking or dull skin, we will be facing this type of skin. They are likely to have spots, freckles and are more prone to wrinkles, in addition to being often affected by climate changes.

How to detect this type of dryness? Use a paper napkin and if you have no trace of grease and you have some of the above characteristics … Bingo! Try to hydrate yourself well with water, and use creams to promote healthier skin.

Oily skin

Contrary to the previous skin type, fat is clearly identified by shedding fat and being shiny. It is common to hear about the T zone (chin, nose and forehead), which are the areas most affected by open pores and blemishes. It is a type of skin that lends itself to appear dirty, have blackheads and acne tendency.

We cannot convert it into other skin types, but we can reduce its problems by having adequate hygiene, exfoliating once a week, avoiding oleic-based products and especially cleaning any cosmetic product. Clean the makeup brushes and try to dry your skin with clean towels or kitchen paper.

Mixed skin

This skin has an oily area (the T , as in the previous case) and the rest of the face is normal or dry. It also has enlarged pores and tends to suffer acne in the fatty area.

Normal skin

Perhaps it is perfection in terms of balance between fat and tightness. It is the easiest to care for, since we will not have to be hydrating ourselves especially or doing cleanings to avoid black pores. It has a regular, fine and smooth texture and has no blemishes. In addition, it has a totally clean appearance without having to involve ourselves too much.

Do not buy products that are not according to your skin type or you will be counterproductive in the care of it.