Do you bruise when training and you haven't hit yourself? Find out why this happens

You are not crazy, dear friend. I have spent several months trying to remember when I was hitting myself to get bruises on my arms. In my day to day I do not usually collide with anything and in training I do not have contact with blows, so I did not understand what could be happening with the purple marks.

Before resorting to Iker Jiménez's emergency call, I reflected on what had changed in my routine and if it was related to bruises. And yes, I realized that everything arose from starting to train stronger.

moretones al entrenar

Your intense training breaks the capillaries

It sounded harsh, I know, but it is. If you are an amateur athlete and have been training hard for a long time, you may have noticed the appearance of purple marks on the legs, arms or buttocks . Bruises make an appearance when a small capillary (the tube through which blood runs) breaks under the skin.
Until now you have been used to relating this to a hit, but training very intensively can also provoke them.

Our muscles are covered with capillaries , so if we tighten them too much when exercising, it is possible that we may suffer small breaks that lead to an internal leak. Do not be alarmed, you do not have to give it too much importance if it is not accompanied by acute pain. That is, when we are injured (even if not by a blow), we see that the area is turning black. In this case it is worrisome because it is linked to pain that can originate from the breakage of a muscle, a bone, a sprain, etc.
The normal thing is that if you train intensely, small bruises come out on your skin without presenting almost pain.

Just so you understand, when a capillary breaks, it has no way of externalizing the blood and is marked on the skin. If I could externalize that internal blood, it would surface like a skin wound.

It won't be long before they disappear

eye! It is possible that you train intense and do not bruise, eh! Don't force your appearance because it's not a good sign either. As with bruises that come from blows, they also disappear after a few days. At first it will have a bluish color, then purple and will end up disappearing in a yellowish tone.

Train with a weight you can lift, do not exceed repetitions and give your muscles a proper rest .

It is very common that they appear when you train pull-ups, climb the rope or jump into the box.