How a strong jaw helps you have a slim body

When a person wants to lose weight, little is said about the importance of chewing and how it can help to lose those extra pounds. However, it has been found that those people who chew food correctly, lose weight much more quickly and effectively, even without having to give up many foods. In this article we want to explain how a strong jaw helps you have a slim body and everything you need to know about it.

The importance of chewing food well: why a strong jaw helps you have a slim body

Chewing is often not given the importance it deserves even though it is an essential part of the food ingestion process. That is, chewing directly affects the type of digestion we will have. This means that when we eat standing up in the kitchen in a hurry, in front of the TV without paying too much attention to what we put in our mouth or talking, among other situations, we are not thinking about whether we are correctly grinding each of the different foods that we ingest. Well, this is a pretty serious mistake, since not chewing a food correctly involves extra work for the stomach.

Experts say that each bite should be chewed 15-30 times before swallowing. In this way they will reach the digestive system crushed and salivated.

What problems can we have if we don't chew properly?

Not chewing food correctly can cause several problems in the body. The most common is suffering from digestive problems , such as a feeling of heaviness, gas or constipation. It has also been found that those people who do not chew food well tend to have a much slower metabolism , since the digestions are heavier, the metabolism slows down and caloric expenditure decreases.

La importancia de la masticación para adelgazar

Finally, and this is where we want to go, is that incorrect chewing is associated with weight gain . The body cannot burn calories easily and accumulates much more waste, which is difficult to eliminate. You even eat more than you should, since it is difficult for the body to assume the amount ingested, so the feeling of satiety gets out of control .

Can chewing well help us lose weight?

Yes, chewing your food well and having a strong jaw helps you lose weight. This is because you turn food into a perfectly digestible mass that the stomach is able to process quickly and easily, without overworking it. It also prevents more waste from accumulating in the body than necessary .

When chewed correctly, the mass of food is enveloped in saliva, making the transit through the digestive tract much easier . And it is just with saliva that the parotin hormone is activated, which is what stimulates the metabolism and makes the most of all the nutrients.

Also in this way, the body is aware of the amount of food that is being eaten and satiety is reached sooner , thus avoiding overeating. And finally, with a good chewing a predigestion is achieved . That is, the good and bad substances of a food are much better separated.

Tricks to learn to chew well and strengthen the jaw

If you have come this far thinking that you do not chew your food well, we explain some tricks to do it more slowly.

One of the things you should do is stop eating in automatic mode . Enjoy each of the foods on the plate, take it as a relaxing moment and savor the food. Turn off the TV if necessary and settle in at the table. At first it will be tedious, even heavy, but try to chew each bite between 15 and 30 times , depending on the type of product. Food must be completely crushed before swallowing.

Una mandíbula fuerte te ayuda a tener un cuerpo delgado

You don't have to eat in a hurry, so put small amounts of food in your mouth so that it is not too full and you can chew better. And never put food in your mouth if you haven't swallowed what you already had! This is a very common mistake and all you can do is swallow pieces of food without chewing.

If you start to put these simple tricks into practice, you will notice that your digestions are much better, you will even lose those extra pounds or you will always be able to maintain your weight. Although it may be somewhat tedious at first, in the long run you will be able to chew properly without thinking too much about it. So we encourage you to start putting these tricks into practice as soon as possible.

Remember to take good care of your teeth

You won't be able to chew properly, you won't even be able to have a strong jaw, if you don't take proper care of your teeth.

The teeth are the fundamental tool to chew well and are the key to proper digestion. This means that your care is extremely important. Do you know how to take care of them correctly? In addition to brushing them every day and flossing regularly, it is necessary to visit the dentist on an annual basis . He will be able to detect cavities or any abnormality in the gums and put a remedy to protect this important part of the body.

The type of diet is also very important to keep your teeth healthy and strong. There are foods that deteriorate them more than others, such as candies, sweets, sweetened beverages … Also chewing ice, opening bottles with your teeth and this type of action can damage teeth and deteriorate them. Alcohol and tobacco are two other things that can spoil and deteriorate them, so we advise you to put these types of bad habits aside.

Now that you know that having a strong jaw helps you have a slim body, we encourage you to put into practice the tricks that we have discussed to chew correctly. We also encourage you to take care of your teeth and put aside stress, rush and bad habits, since it is clear that these do not help.