Goodbye to constipation with these natural laxatives

Most people turn to the pharmacy to seek relief from many of their health problems. Sometimes some of them can be solved at home, as is the case with constipation . Following some guidelines in nutrition can prevent or treat this condition. We invite you to continue reading to discover which are the foods with the greatest laxative power that can help you correct constipation problems.

Constipation, one of the possible causes of your belly

A diet that is very low in fiber leads to constipation. It is very common for it to appear during certain stages of life as they are; transition from liquid to solid foods in babies, preschool age, pregnancy and old age. This condition causes gas and abdominal inflammation due to waste that has not been able to be evacuated in time. This may be the reason why some people at certain times have a bulging stomach that later disappears after having evacuated.

The frequency of bowel movements can be different for each person, so establishing how normal trips to the bathroom are considered varies for each individual. But on the other hand, a person is considered constipated when they have fewer than three bowel movements a week. So that this does not become chronic, it is important to consume fiber, there are some foods with laxative action that are very good to deal with these digestion problems. Now we will tell you what they are about.

Digestive and laxative foods that cannot be missing from your diet

Before you go to the pharmacy for medicines to combat constipation, first look in your pantry, suddenly there you find what you need and in a more natural way. So pay attention to the foods that we are going to mention.

Chia seeds

Chia is a seed that in addition to containing healthy fats makes us a very significant contribution of fiber, It contains approximately 10 grams of fiber for every 28 grams of seeds, it is an amount that you will not find so easily in any food, so Chia is the queen of fiber foods . In order for you to consume it properly, we recommend leaving it to soak and not overdo it, in this way you avoid going from being constipated to having diarrhea.


perder peso

It is a fruit that provides you with good levels of fiber, water and antioxidants. It is effective for constipation problems because it exerts an anti-inflammatory action on the digestive system, if you compare it with another fruit such as orange that contains approximately 2.4 grams of fiber, the dried fig stands out because it can contain 0.8 grams of fiber.


ciruelas pasas con fibras

This is a very popular food to alleviate costipation problems. The dried fruit can be consumed whole or in the form of juice. The food, apart from being rich in fiber, also contains simple carbohydrates, this makes it a food with high energy value. In this way its consumption becomes less favorable in people who need to lose weight.


yogur con frutos del bosque

Probiotics are live microorganisms that can be present in some foods, although they can also be added. Minimal amounts have been shown to improve intestinal function. This class of foods helps improve intestinal flora and peristaltic movements. Studies carried out in adults have highlighted that bifidus lactis in particular activates intestinal transit.

Some foods with probiotics that you should consider are: Yogurt, kefir, fermented milk, miso and yogurt with bifidus included.

Green leafy foods

alimentos con magnesio

When you find yourself constipated, the first thing they recommend is to increase your consumption of vegetables, especially green leafy ones. These are known for their contribution in fiber and magnesium, the latter is important to correct constipation problems. Because it softens the stool, its relaxing action also allows them to pass better through the intestine. Some green leaves that we recommend consuming are: chard, spinach, kalé, lettuce and cabbage.

Pitaya or dragon fruit

laxante fruta

This fruit has great benefits at the intestinal level. To combat constipation, it is advisable to consume it one hour before breakfast. The fruit, in addition to stimulating intestinal function, fights fluid retention. It should be moderate with its consumption, because there are people with sensitivity to the consumption of this fruit.


alimentos con poder laxante para el estreñimiento

Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, this is useful in the breakdown of proteins, promoting digestion and preventing the formation of gases. Regular consumption of red meat can lead to constipation problems because its residues remain in the intestines for a long time. To speed up its digestion you can consume papaya after this meal.

Papaya is widely used in diets to lose, due to the cleansing effect it has on the body.


fruta piña diurética

Pineapple is a very mild natural laxative, it contains bromelain, an enzyme that improves intestinal function as well as having a significant amount of fiber. This is also a diuretic fruit, so its consumption should not be abused, as dehydration also causes constipation.


café laxante natural

Coffee is a good stimulant of the distal colon, promoting the expulsion of waste. Some compounds in coffee help the body break down proteins better. When you consume a cup of coffee, you stimulate the production of cholecystokinin and gastrin, the latter stimulates intestinal peristalsis which causes you to sometimes go to the bathroom after drinking coffee.But remember to drink it in moderation!

And finally, some tips to treat or prevent constipation

  • Get more physical activity to stimulate your bowel movement.
  • consume a lot of water.
  • Massage the abdominal area in a circular motion to activate bowel function.
  • Don’t hold back the urge to go to the bathroom.
  • Eat plenty of fiber and chew your food very well.
  • Avoid unnecessary consumption of laxatives, this only contributes to having a lazy intestine.


The Effect Of Probiotics Retrieved February 17, 2017