Ginseng What is it and what properties and benefits does this food have?

Ginseng is one of the most popular natural remedies in the world – not for nothing, over the centuries different varieties of the Asian and North American ginseng root have been used for centuries to help cure a number of medical problems. Do you want to know more about this promising product? In this article we tell you everything you need to know about ginseng and its possible health benefits.

What is ginseng?

Ginseng is a small herbaceous plant of the Araliaceae family native to Asia whose root is traditionally used in Chinese medicine . This short, slow-growing plant with fleshy roots can be classified in three ways depending on the length of its cultivation: fresh, white or red . There are many types of ginseng, but the most popular are American ( Panax quinquefolius ) and Asian ( Panax ginseng ).

The American and Asian vary in their concentration of active compounds and their effects on the body. American ginseng is believed to work as a relaxing agent, while the Asian variety has an invigorating effect . In any case, both types of ginseng contain two important compounds: ginsenosides and gintonin, which complement each other to provide health benefits.


The health benefits of ginseng

Increase energy

Ginseng helps stimulate physical and mental activity in people who feel weak and tired or those with chronic fatigue. A meta-analysis of more than 155 studies showed that ginseng supplements can not only help reduce fatigue, but also improve physical activity.

Improves cognitive abilities

Ginseng may help improve brain functions such as memory, behavior, and mood . Some studies in animals show that components present in the plant such as ginsenosides and compound K could protect the brain against damage caused by free radicals, which can improve thinking processes and cognitive abilities.

Reduces inflammation

Ginsenosides may have anti-inflammatory effects, according to experimental results from the Journal of Translational Medicine. One study had 18 young male athletes take 2 grams of Korean red ginseng extract three times a day for seven days, and the levels of the inflammatory markers were significantly lower than in the group given a placebo.

Fight erectile dysfunction

A study conducted in Korea in 2002 revealed that 60% of men who took this substance noticed an improvement in their symptoms . Additionally, research published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology also provided evidence for the efficacy of red ginseng in treating erectile dysfunction.

Could prevent the flu

Research on the effects of this plant suggests a possible link between ginseng and the treatment and prevention of influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). The findings suggest that the extract could improve the survival of human lung epithelial cells infected with the influenza virus.

Beneficios de esta raíz

Lowers blood sugar levels

Several studies suggest that it can help lower blood sugar and help treat diabetes . Ginsenosides can affect insulin production in the pancreas and improve insulin resistance using other mechanisms, although more clinical studies are still needed to consider ginseng as a possible add-on therapy for diabetes.

How to consume it?

No food contains this ingredient naturally, but you can find it in energy drinks and foods that are previously enriched with this substance before being sold to the consumer. Additionally, ginseng root can be taken in many ways: raw, steamed, infused, or grated over soups, stir-fries, or salads.

In addition to its natural variant, ginseng extract can also be taken as a supplement in powder, pills, capsules, and even liquid. As for the recommended daily amount, the general dose is 1-2 grams raw or 200-400 mg of extract . It is better to start with lower doses and increase them over time. Look for a standard ginseng extract that contains 2-3% total ginsenosides, and consume it before meals to increase absorption and reap the full benefits.

Ginseng Supplements: Are They Effective?

Western scientists and health professionals often question the medicinal properties of supplements because, although there are some studies showing their effectiveness, more research is needed to reach conclusive results. there is no conclusive evidence to determine its true efficacy.

However, ginsenosides (chemical components found in ginseng and also in supplements) have been shown to have beneficial health effects.

The best deals we’ve found to buy ginseng supplements


Jung, HL, Kwak, HE, Kim, SS, Kim, YC, Lee, CD, Byurn, HK, & Kang, HY (2011). Effects of Panax ginseng Supplementation on Muscle Damage and Inflammation after Uphill Treadmill Running in Humans. The American Journal of Chinese Medicine , 39 (03), 441-450.

Bach, HV, Kim, J., Myung, S.-K., & Cho, YA (2016). Efficacy of Ginseng Supplements on Fatigue and Physical Performance: a Meta-analysis. Journal of Korean Medical Science , 31 (12), 1879.