Floradix, an ideal multivitamin for athletes

Studies have shown that approximately 26% of women between the age of menstruation and menopause are iron deficient. This happens because during menstruation, a large amount of iron is lost, creating a deficiency of this important nutrient. Also people who do a lot of sports lose a lot of iron through perspiration. To recover this important nutrient and other necessary vitamins in the correct amount, it is best to supplement the diet with a multivitamin such as Floradix.

Many of us are often surprised to find that after a little exercise or work, we end up tired, especially during pregnancy. This causes a lot of shock because we remember the days when we were able to handle a lot more workload and had more energy. This sudden fatigue is generally caused by a deficiency of iron, one of the most important minerals for the body.

What is Floradix?

Floradix is a liquid iron and vitamin supplement specially formulated for easy absorption and assimilation. Approximately 98% of the iron available in this product can be obtained immediately with its consumption. Frequent use of this multivitamin contributes greatly to normalizing iron levels. It also reduces dizziness, prevents diarrhea and vomiting, increases energy, ensures vitality and improves general health.

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Benefits of taking Floradix

There are many benefits that can be obtained from taking this multivitamin. Below are some of the many advantageous capabilities of this drug:

  • Its special formulation allows easy assimilation and absorption of the iron available in the product.
  • Helps lower iron levels return to normal range. For those who have been diagnosed with iron deficiency , taking Floradix helps restore iron to the normal level needed by the body.
  • Promotes the formation of red blood cells.
  • It is very useful for teenagers, mothers, athletes and the elderly.
  • It is easily digestible . Which means that after taking this product, you can be sure that it will not harm your digestive system: It is a product that is 25 times more absorbent than other iron supplements due to its liquid plant base. It also contains vitamin C, which helps in the absorption of iron. Because it is plant-based, it doesn’t cause constipation like other iron supplements. Research supports these claims: A study conducted in 2002 at the Department of Natural Medicine at the University of Heidelberg found that after just four weeks of supplementation with Floradix, the blood iron levels of sampled subjects increased significantly with minimal side effects.

Using Floradix

According to the Floradix label, it can be safely taken by children up to 4 years of age . Children 4 to 11 years old should drink 10 ml once a day before a meal, and adults should drink 10 ml twice a day before meals . If you want to take Floradix to have more energy and increase your iron levels, ask your doctor for a recommendation.