Fear and overwhelm by the coronavirus: tips to better cope with this situation

Fear and overwhelmed by the coronavirus crisis? Fear is a free emotion that we all feel. And it is a natural emotion that comes in the form of anguish and anxiety. The coronavirus pandemic has literally paralyzed the world. This abnormality is full of uncertainty, and before this, it is logical that fear and overwhelm arise from the coronavirus, its contagion and its consequences.

Now, in each one there is the option of being carried away by panic or defeating its consequences . We show you how the first one invades us and how to defeat it with the second one.

Learn to manage fear and overwhelm by the coronavirus

Fear is very treacherous and it will try to influence your thoughts. In fact, it is very common, as psychologists explain, that our own cognitive bias leads us to associate everything catastrophic with what is going to happen. And the amount of information that we are receiving every minute through hundreds of channels simultaneously does not help to alleviate the feeling of fear and overwhelm associated with the uncertainty of danger.

miedo y agobio por confinamiento

How do you combat this? There is no magic formula that works for everyone. Each person is going to face it in a way. But one element is important to everyone: accurate information.

In journalistic terms, truthful information is one that is contrasted. And it is not always going to be the official information. Fortunately, in Spain we are in a democracy, but this does not imply that there is collusion between the fourth estate (the media) and those in power. That is why it is so important to have a critical , reasoned vision that is ours and not be the sheep of any flock. Because they can take the herd to the slaughterhouse with a smile.

With accurate information and critical insight, it is easier to control the impulsive need for data and updates, which only leads us to increase the feeling of anxiety. But don’t worry, it’s the usual thing.

One of the options that we propose is to plan a series of activities to carry out if you are in an ERTE or if you end the workday soon: read, watch a movie or series, talk with friends and family, dedicate time to that hobby for which you never get a while . And yes, check the news from a fixed one every day. With this routine, you will not only feel that the day is taking over for you, but you will not have time to read the chains of emails that flood our communication channels.

Even with everything organized, after so many days without barely poking our head into the fresh air, it is normal to have bad days, in which fear and overwhelm by the coronavirus make us decay . Don’t block it, let it out and express yourself.

coronavirus y confinamiento: no dejes que te pueda el miedo

Situations to avoid so as not to feed fear

According to specialists, one of the first errors that can be made in this type of confinement has to do with the continuous verification of the information and the news that occurs. You know that until the situation is normalized, there will be an average of 700 or 800 deaths per day. Also, constantly consulting information and television programs on the subject distorts our perspective on the situation, and we will tend to be left with only the negative and alarming.

Our emotional brain is not good with statistics, especially when it is subjected to the pressure of breaking all the routines. You tend to filter what you get.

Time management at home, key to overcoming fear and overwhelm by the coronavirus

In these types of situations, there are things that we cannot control, but there are other small actions that do depend on us. This is where we have to take control of the situation, and avoid letting ourselves be carried away.

Routine, as we mentioned before, is key to keeping bad thoughts away from yourself. We are at a stage where there is total uncertainty: nobody knows what will happen tomorrow. Those little moments for yourself are mental lifesavers.

Art and entertainment are very important: it is advisable to reserve time for pleasant and leisure activities, for example, watching a movie or a series with the family, reading a book, enjoying board games , etc.

And, for heaven’s sake, don’t isolate yourself. Share and talk with others. Social support dampens feelings of fear and overwhelm from confinement.

If the moment comes when the situation overcomes you and you feel the anxiety you can, it is very likely that you will begin to hyperventilate. Practice breathing and relaxation exercises to ward off the feeling of panic as much as possible.

Miedo y agobio por el coronavirus: consejos

Exercise to cope with confinement

Within the recommendations of psychologists, exercise and regular physical activity are in the first positions. Exercise helps us keep our mind focused on exercise, in the desire to improve, and prevents our body from relaxing and losing tone. That relaxation makes our esteem more vulnerable, giving way to negative thoughts.

Remember that none of us know how long this is going to last, but we do know that it is not permanent . If we think from this starting point, develop a routine, take care of our hobbies and maintain a balanced diet, we will more easily overcome the episodes of fear and overwhelm due to the confinement to which the coronavirus has subjected us.