Does the pear or apple have more sugar?

Any health professional recommends the daily intake of fruits in their original form. However, there are people who question whether it is better to eat fruits depending on the amount of sugar they provide. What about the pear and the apple? Which has more sugar?

Actually apples and pears are closely related and share many similarities. Both come from the Rosaceae family and were first cultivated in Asia. And although their outer appearance is different, they both have similar fur that covers a sweet white interior.

Pears and apples share a similar harvest season, and early to mid-fall is the best time to find them tastier and nutrient-dense. However, any time of the year is perfect to enjoy the benefits that both offer. So even though apples and pears are the same, is one better than the other? Does the content matter the sugar?

Pear has less sugar

To determine the total amount of sugars, the presence of glucose, fructose, galactose, sucrose, lactose, maltose and trehalose must be taken into account. A diet rich in sugar can cause metabolic dysfunctions, although it is rare for the levels to be exceeded by consuming fruit in the recommended amount.

Although pears are normally sweeter, they provide 9.75 grams per 100 (a medium pear is equivalent to about 96 grams). In contrast, apples provide 10.39 grams in the same amount. The difference is quite slight, so it does not influence the choice of a healthier fruit than another. Even in people with diabetes it is not a great distinction.

There are also slight differences between caloric and water intake. Apples have 52 calories, while pears provide 57 calories. In addition, despite all predictions, apples provide more water (85.5 grams vs 83.9 grams). The nutritional contribution is very similar, so we should only take into account our tastes and preferences. As you cannot extract juices from them, the most common is that they are consumed fresh.

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The apple has less fructose

Although it may sound counterintuitive, the apple contains less fructose and glucose than the pear. However, it has more sucrose . Fructose, also known as fruit sugar, is a monosaccharide that is absorbed directly into the bloodstream. The excessive consumption of fructose can cause arterial hypertension; although it is known because many people have an allergy or intolerance to this type of sugar.

Glucose, also known as blood sugar, is the main source of energy. The pear contributes 2.6 grams and the apple 2.43 grams. It is not too much of a difference to mark one choice over another. In addition, it must be taken into account that it is sugar that is naturally present, not added.

On the other hand, sucrose, also known as table sugar, is made up of glucose and fructose. Sucrose is rich in calories, but it does not have a high nutritional value. In the case of the apple we find 2.07 grams, while in the pear only 0.7 grams.