Does Gerson Therapy Help Fight Cancer?

Cancer is a disease that consists of the excess growth of malignant cells. It has been one of the main causes of death for many people and has been treated in different ways over the years, either with predestined drugs to fight cancer, or natural drugs, which many people consider effective in preventing or treat this delicate disease.

One of these treatments is the Gerson Therapy, a nutrition system that includes a detailed diet, detox juices, and some supplements.

Discover if the Gerson Therapy really helps fight cancer , by analyzing scientific facts and some recommendations.

¿Sirve la Terapia Gerson para combatir el cáncer?

What is the Gerson Therapy?

Also known as the Gerson Therapy diet , it is a natural treatment system that claims to be able to fight cancer. This diet was created in the early 1900s by Dr. Max B. Gerson, who used it to relieve his migraine. Over the years, Gerson used this therapy to treat diseases such as tuberculosis and cancer.

Gerson believed that cancers and other chronic diseases are caused by changes in metabolism that occur when toxic substances accumulate in the body. Therefore, the Gerson Therapy aims to restore health by eliminating toxins and increasing immunity.

The Gerson therapy has three main components: diet, detoxification, and supplements. (Gerson Therapy, 2015). The therapy should follow an organic plant-based diet with the consumption of detox juices, use coffee enemas several times a day for detoxification and take a wide variety of supplements.

The Gerson Therapy requires a fairly high financial commitment. It can cost more than 13,300 Euros to start and must be followed for a minimum of 2 years.

Bases de la Terapia Gerson

How does the Gerson Therapy work?

The Gerson Therapy has 3 main components: diet, supplements, and detoxification.

1. Gerson therapy diet

The diet consists of the consumption of vegetarian foods and low in sodium, fat and protein. People who consume this diet are asked to consume approximately 7 to 9 kg of organic produce per day, most of which is used to make detox juices.

Detox juices are very important in the Gerson Therapy. It is usually asked to consume at least 240 ml of juice per hour, up to 13 times a day.

Juices should be prepared using a Gerson recommended juicer, which first grinds the vegetables into a pulp, then extracts the juice by squeezing it under high pressure. That is, they are slightly different from traditional juices.

The Gerson Institute states that its approved appliances provide 25 to 50% more juices than other juicers, and that its drinks are up to 50 times higher in certain nutrients.

Cómo se hacen los zumos de la terapia Gerson

2. Gerson therapy supplements

Gerson therapy supplements include potassium, pancreatic enzymes, Lugol's solution (potassium iodide and iodide in water), a thyroid hormone supplement, and vitamins B3 and B12.

Potassium supplements are a key part of the Gerson Therapy , as the doctor believed that diseased cells contained too much sodium and too little potassium.

Once patients started the Gerson Therapy diet, which is high in potassium and low in sodium, cells would shrink, which Gerson believes is a sign of recovery.

Importancia del potasio para prevenir el cáncer

3. The Gerson therapy detoxification

The combined effect of diet and supplements releases toxins from body tissues. Therefore, the liver, which is the main organ in charge of processing toxins, would be working more than normal.

To support the liver in its work, the therapy incorporates coffee enemas that help to widen the bile duct of the liver so that it releases toxins easily.

People on the Gerson diet are required to take 1 coffee enema for every 3 glasses of juice consumed.

Enemas de café en la Terapia Gerson

Does Gerson Therapy Fight Cancer?

The Gerson Research Organization reported that 153 people with skin cancer on the Gerson Therapy survived much longer than patients on conventional therapy. (Hildenbrand et al., 1995).

In a case study, 6 people with various aggressive cancers who followed the Gerson Therapy, survived longer than expected than with conventional treatments and experienced a better quality of life. (Molassiotis and Turba, 2007).

Another study in people with pancreatic cancer found that people who received traditional chemotherapy survived 3 times longer, 14 months compared to other people who received a diet similar to the Gerson Therapy. (Cassileth, 2010). Therefore, there are conflicting results regarding this therapy.

It should be noted that in the studies that did show improvements with the Gerson therapy , they are small and do not provide enough information about the participants, so it is difficult to know if these improvements are due to the Gerson Therapy or other reasons.

¿La terapia Gerson cura el cáncer?

Forbidden foods in Gerson therapy

The Gerson diet prohibits foods that are high in protein, fat, and sodium. For example, these foods you should avoid:

  • All meats, eggs, seafood, and other animal proteins.
  • All protein powders, including dairy and vegan formulas.
  • All dairy products, including milk and cheese, but excluding plain, nonfat yogurt, which is allowed after 6 to 8 weeks of dieting.
  • All soy products, such as tofu, miso, and soy milk.
  • Certain vegetables, such as mushrooms, hot peppers, carrot greens, radish greens, mustard greens, and raw spinach.
  • Dried beans and legumes, but lentils are allowed at 6 months if you are in good health
  • Certain fruits like pineapple, berries, and avocados.
  • Seed sprouts such as alfalfa:
  • Spices like black pepper, paprika, basil, and oregano.
  • Drinks: water (see below), commercial juices, sodas, coffee and coffee substitutes (with or without caffeine), black tea and herbal teas that contain caffeine.
  • All alcoholic beverages.
  • Condiments such as soy sauce, tamari sauce, liquid amino acids and mustard, among others.
  • All the cakes, muffins and sweets.
  • Baking powder and baking soda.

Other prohibited items are toothpaste, mouthwash, hair dyes, cosmetics, deodorants, lipstick, and lotions. For this reason, the Gerson Institute provides a list of alternative hygiene products containing permitted ingredients for patients.

Alimentos prohibidos en la dieta Gerson

Foods allowed in the Gerson Therapy

Just as there is a list where there are foods that you should not consume, there are also essential foods in the diet of people who follow the Gerson Therapy, for example the following:

  • Fruits: all fresh fruits except berries and pineapple, which contain aromatic acids.
  • Dried fruits (stewed or soaked only): peaches, dates, figs, apricots, plums, and raisins, all unsweetened.
  • Vegetables: all except those mentioned above.
  • Lentils: allowed only in the six months if you are in good health.
  • Grains: rye bread (no salt, no fat), brown rice (if prescribed), and oatmeal.
  • Dairy products: only plain yogurt without fat, without fat, and after six weeks.
  • Spices (in small quantities): allspice, anise, bay leaves, coriander, dill, fennel, mace, marjoram, rosemary, sage, saffron, sorrel, summer flavors, thyme and tarragon.
  • Condiments: vinegar – either wine or apple cider.
  • Fats: linseed oil (only if prescribed).
  • Drinks: freshly squeezed juices (as prescribed) and caffeine-free infusions.
Alimentos permitidos en la Terapia Gerson


The Gerson Therapy is an alternative, completely natural method that was created by Dr. Gerson in order to fight cancer, all as a result of the consumption of a diet free of protein, fat and sodium. The problem is that people must have a minimum budget of 13,000 Euros to be able to strictly follow the treatment for at least 2 years.

Despite being supported by some scientific research, it is important to note that more studies are needed to verify its viability. Therefore, we recommend that you go to your doctor in case you always suffer from a health problem as delicate as a tumor.


  • Gerson Therapy (PDQ) (2015). PDQ Cancer Information Summaries. doi: 1026389408
  • Cassileth, B. (2010). Gerson regime. Oncology. doi: 1020361473
  • Hildenbrand, G., Hildenbrand, L., Bradford, K. and Cavin, S. (1995). Five-year survival rates of melanoma patients treated by diet therapy after the manner of Gerson: a retrospective review. Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. doi: 109359807
  • Molassiotis, A. and Turba, P. (2007). Surviving against all odds: analysis of 6 case studies of patients with cancer who followed the Gerson therapy. Integrative Cancer Therapies. doi: 10.1177 / 1534735406298258