Do you know that there are many types of vegetables?

Vegetables are very necessary in our usual diet and throughout this text we will understand why, since they help us in many processes of our day to day life, such as regulating transit, lowering glucose levels and nourishing the body with vitamins and minerals.

We are surrounded by vegetables, although in our usual diet we do not add many. According to experts, we should eat different vegetables every day. An average of 400 grams of vegetables per day, and if in those 400 grams we are mixing between 3 and 5 vegetables, then better.


There are different types of vegetables, although we do not believe it, and they are classified according to the edible part, that is, stem, fruit, seed, etc.

  • Roots: they are one of the most popular vegetables in recipes and in our daily lives. Besides, they have been with us for centuries. The most famous are carrots, radishes and turnips. Despite being “roots” they are very meaty and delicious foods, apart from being versatile.
  • Bulbs: other of the most common vegetables today and for hundreds of years. When we think of bulbs we obviously think of garlic, leeks, onions and the like. The rest of the plant can be used, but nutritionally, those bulbs are the only thing useful, just like the roots.
  • Leaves: Leaf vegetables are those with the highest nutritional value and best benefits. Some of the most famous are endives, spinach, Swiss chard, lettuce, arugula, escarole, etc. They are versatile for dozens of dishes, from hamburgers and pizzas, to stews and salads.
  • Flowers: we are not referring to roses or tulips, but to the flower of vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower or artichoke.
  • Stems: another part of the vegetables that are very versatile and some examples are asparagus, celery or bamboo shoots.
  • Tubers: when we say this word we quickly think of potatoes and sweet potatoes, but there are also cassava and ginger.
  • Seeds: yes they are also vegetables if we stick to the definition. Some examples are peas, chickpeas, beans, broad beans and soybeans, as well as flax or sesame seeds.
  • Fruits: we have not made a mistake. Some vegetables also bear fruit and are peppers, tomatoes, eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, etc.


The benefits of vegetables are given by their nutrients such as fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is very important that we introduce a variety of vegetables in our diet, to provide the body with all the nutrients it needs, but do not base our diet on this food group either, but rather have a varied and balanced diet.

hortalizas frescas

Lose weight

Vegetables are not very satiating, at least not at the level of oatmeal, for example. But if we combine them well with other food groups creating a varied and balanced dish, we can help our body lose weight, reducing the intake of unnecessary calories such as carbohydrates and sugars such as soft drinks and pastries.

In short, vegetables help us to complete our daily menu, creating a more varied and healthy diet. And if we add this to the practice of some sport, the results will be enhanced in a few weeks.

fight constipation

One of the main nutrients in vegetables is fiber, and if we combine it with whole grains, fruits and other foods, we increase the dose of fiber. But be very careful, since an excess of fiber can lead to adverse effects such as diarrhea and abdominal distention. An average adult should not consume more than 40 grams a day, and that is already close to the maximum, so our stools will be soft, and it is likely that we will not assimilate minerals well.

regulate blood glucose

Vegetables are important in our daily lives, not only because of the nutrients they provide, but because of the fiber that, apart from regulating transit, also helps cleanse the body, including reducing cholesterol and blood sugar levels. By increasing the amount of vegetables in our diet, we automatically reduce the intake of meats and other less healthy foods.


Vegetables are very nutritious foods that stand out for the amount of vitamins and minerals they provide, as well as for the fiber. In addition, they have a high water content, which helps hydrate the body. Vegetables also have bioactive substances that could help us reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

According to the WHO, an average adult should consume 5 daily servings of fruits and vegetables, so here are some tips to make the task easier. Let’s remember that, if there are children at home, adults serve as an example, so in the future, they will have better health and greater awareness of food.

  • Always seasonal and local fruits, vegetables and vegetables.
  • If the food is packaged, it must be removed at least 20 minutes before eating it so that it can aerate.
  • When cooking them, you have to do it with low heat, little time, little water and always covered.
  • Steaming is the best way to consume them, since it maintains its nutrients.
  • Experts recommend 4 servings of vegetables a day, where 2 are raw and 2 cooked.
  • Mix vegetables with other foods such as eggs, cheeses, nuts, quality oils, etc.
  • Do not make only meals with vegetables and vegetables.
  • Always choose organic foods, especially if they are fruits, vegetables and vegetables. We will notice the difference in quality and flavor.
  • You have to wash each piece well before consuming, but let’s try to avoid soaking, since we could lose nutrients.
  • If there are children at home, adults serve as an example, so it is best to always offer fruits and vegetables without using too many spices, not salt, or sauces, preferably steamed and without extras, especially if they are under 5 years old.
  • We can encourage ourselves to add vegetables to our meals, it always goes well with almost any dish.
  • Having kitchen utensils to cut fruits, vegetables and vegetables motivates us to add them to our daily diet.