Diseases you can get in the gym

Playing sports in the gym allows us to work efficiently all our body with accessories that we will only find there. Although it is true that the advantages of training in a gym are many, we are also facing the risk of contracting diseases. Let's not be scared, we can catch these pathologies in any other field due to lack of hygiene and consideration for others.

Do not stop going to the gym to train, but take hygiene measures to avoid contracting or spreading bacteria and fungi to other users. Drying sweat from machines, wearing flip flops in showers and washing our hands can put a stop to all kinds of discomfort.

Athlete's foot and mushrooms

We have already dedicated an article to this pathology so common in locker rooms and swimming pools.
Mushrooms can be found anywhere in the gym, but it is easier to get them if we go barefoot in the locker room, the shower or the pool. The symptoms are palpable with the naked eye , affecting the feet and nails. It is important that we always keep our feet dry to avoid their proliferation and, if you have them, look out for your gym buddies and avoid going barefoot .

In addition, you will also reduce a high percentage of contagion if you wash your hands after going to the service and after training. Avoid bringing your hands to your face and mouth , since all bacteria will have easier access.

Flu and colds

Let those who have not become ill this winter raise their hands! Exactly, going to the gym and not catching a cold or the flu is an arduous mission. It is surely one of the most common infections that we can have in a gym. All users touch the furniture, so it does not matter if you clean it with your towel before. Nothing will save us from viruses.

There is always someone coughing, sneezing, or talking near you; so don't be obsessed and assume you will fall ill. What we ask is that if you have the flu , be considerate and don't go training . Your colleagues will thank you forever.

E. coli bacteria and hepatitis A

Both bacteria and viruses can spread it to you if someone doesn't wash their hands after using the bathroom . Touching the sports equipment with "infected" hands will favor the spread of the pathology in question. Both cause symptoms such as cramps, diarrhea, vomiting, etc., but with enough annoying ones. E.Coli usually passes by itself in a few days, but if you think you have Hepatitis A, go to your hospital for advice on vaccinations.

Human papilloma

Like mushrooms, Human Papilloma can be spread by contact or by walking barefoot in locker rooms and gym showers. The Human Papillomavirus (HPV) is actually a group of viruses that are being grouped under this name. It is considered to be the most common sexually transmitted disease.

Although HPV is normally transmitted through sexual intercourse, there is a small percentage that includes the gym. Either due to lack of hygiene or sweat ; hence, it is important to use a towel and to dry the sweat of the machines to minimize the risk of contagion.
The problem of HPV is in most cases, the one who suffers from it does not even know it , since they hardly present any apparent symptoms. In some cases, the virus can cause warts to appear that would alert us that something strange is happening.

We must know that this disease has no cure, but there are treatments that will allow us to lead a totally normal life.