Discover the benefits of wine in training

Alcohol is one of the most harmful elements for health, especially when a large intake is made in a short time. As we already know, nothing that is done in excess is good. However, it is common to hear about the benefits of wine and hear that a glass a day has positive properties for our body. In addition to its well-known characteristics, the benefits that may be linked to physical training are exposed. It is surprising to discover that eating a daily amount of wine can help our performance.

As we see, consuming a glass of wine a day has benefits for our health, so we can continue to enjoy this practice in our day to day. Coming home after a long day, sitting at the table and uncorking a bottle of wine, pouring ourselves a glass and enjoying its aroma and flavor can become our disconnection ritual.

We can choose different wines through the selection offered by the wineries. For its correct conservation we can have a wine cellar in our home. There are different models and designs of wine cellars to choose the one that best suits our home, such as those offered by BODEGA43.

As we have previously commented, among the benefits of wine we find that there are properties that help training. Do you know what benefits this drink has in physical preparation? Don't worry, we'll show you below so you don't hesitate to have that glass of wine a day.

Benefits of wine in training

Improve performance

One of the properties that wine presents is the increase in our heart rate . This occurs because wine has a substance called resveratrol that helps blood move faster, increasing heart rate and causing greater oxygenation in our muscles. This results in an improvement in muscle tone and contributes to training with greater sports performance (Dolinsky et al., 2012).

beneficios del vino en el entrenamiento

Regulates circulation

The study carried out by Dolinsky and his colleagues (2012) shows that moderate consumption of wine regulates the circulation of our blood . It makes you move more quickly and helps us perform activities such as cycling or walking. In addition, wine also has properties that act as a good vasodilator , so we can have a glass of wine before intense training or competition. This helps us to achieve a higher level of performance thanks to our circulation working more efficiently.

Reduces inflammation

Among the benefits of wine, we find that it is good to reduce the possible inflammation that can appear in our body after a training session or a competition. Consuming wine in a moderate way acts as an anticoagulant by being a good vasodilator and by improving our circulation, which helps reduce inflammation.

Improves digestion: one of the benefits of wine

One of the most common practices in athletes, especially when they want to achieve an increase in muscle mass, is the intake of protein. The consumption of wine can help us to digest these proteins more optimally. In addition, it can help us avoid the appearance of acidity after meals, which allows us to reduce stomach discomfort (García-Ruiz et al., 2014 cited in the Science of Wine and Health) and train much better.

Has antioxidant properties

Ending with the benefits of wine, we come to its antioxidant properties , according to a study by the University Medical School of China (The Science of Wine and Health, 2016). Wine allows us to improve our sports performance thanks to the reduction that occurs in the oxidative effects that appear as a result of intense exercise. This property helps us to recover our body after intense workouts or long periods of physical preparation.

In addition, if you have problems related to cholesterol, doing sports and drinking wine increases the levels of HDL cholesterol , the good one, while the levels of LDL cholesterol, the bad one, are reduced.

Bibliographic references

Dolinsky, VW, Jones, KE, Sidhu, RS, Haykowsky, M., Czubryt, MP, Gordon, T., & Dyck, JR (2012). Improvements in skeletal muscle strength and cardiac function induced by resveratrol during exercise training contribute to enhanced exercise performance in rats. The Journal of physiology , 590 (11), 2783-2799. DOI: 10.1113 / jphysiol.2012.230490

JIG.ES. (2015). Wine has positive effects on the digestive system . The Science of Wine and Health.

JIG.ES. (2016). Resveratrol and its role as an antioxidant . The Science of Wine and Health.