Complete Guide to Yoga for Beginners

Yoga is a discipline that not many dare to practice. However, it is always a good time to learn poses and improve circulation in the body. This guide to yoga for beginners will guide us to be experts.

There are many good reasons to add yoga to your exercise routine. It improves muscle tone, flexibility and balance, and helps to relax and reduce stress, thanks in part to its characteristic pranayama breathing. Research has also shown that yoga practices also reduce stress, anxiety, depression, and chronic pain. Therefore, we will be gaining quality of life.


We live in a culture where our minds and nervous systems are constantly stimulated. Yoga offers the space to calm the mind and restore a sense of balance.

Helps the physical body

The most obvious benefit is, of course, physical. Yoga poses can help increase flexibility, strength, mobility, and balance.
These benefits are also why athletes practice yoga as part of an effective cross-training routine.

In yoga, the body goes through a full range and variety of movements that can counteract the aches and pains associated with tension or poor postural habits. Not only does it help us become more aware of the body, but it also allows us to correct these imbalances and improve performance in general.

Improves stress and relaxation

Another key benefit of yoga for beginners is that it helps with stress. The buildup of stress can cause the nervous system to be constantly in overdrive, making it difficult to relax, focus, and rest. The breathing exercises that we practice in yoga can help lower the heart rate and shift the nervous system into a more relaxed state. It also promotes better sleep and increased concentration.

Also, novices can benefit from a deeper connection with the sense of purpose and awareness of living in the present.

persona haciendo yoga para principiantes

main poses

It may be helpful to become familiar with some of the main fundamental poses. All of these poses can be done at home or in a yoga studio.

downward facing dog

  1. We’ll get down on our hands and knees.
  2. We will stretch the arms and relax the upper part of the back between the shoulder blades.
  3. Keeping the knees bent, we will lengthen the knees and lift the hips. The goal here is to form the shape of an inverted “V”.
  4. If we have flexibility in the hamstrings, we will straighten the legs and let the heels drop towards the ground while maintaining the length of the spine.
  5. If we notice that the spine begins to curve as we straighten the legs, we will bend the knees enough so that we can keep the spine long.


  1. We will lie face down with our legs stretched out.
  2. We will firm the muscles of the legs and have the feet hip-width apart and the toes pointing backwards.
  3. We’ll push down through the pubic bone to avoid collapsing at the bottom of the spine.
  4. We will place the weight on the forearms while lifting the chest off the ground.
  5. We’ll make sure the neck is long while looking straight ahead.

Warrior I

  1. We will stand up straight and take a step back with the right foot.
  2. We will keep the front foot pointed forward and place the rear foot at an angle of approximately 45 degrees.
  3. We will place our feet hip-width apart so that we can square our hips with the front of the mat.
  4. We will bend the front knee. We will make sure that the knee is directly over the ankle or behind it.
  5. We’ll keep the back leg strong.
  6. We will raise our arms above our head and relax our shoulders.

tree pose

  1. We will stand up straight. We’ll shift weight onto the left foot, keeping the inside of the left foot firmly on the ground, and bend the right knee.
  2. We will raise the right foot and place the sole against the inner part of the left thigh, the inner calf muscle or the inner part of the ankle with the toes touching the ground.
  3. We will place our hands on the upper edge of the pelvis to ensure that we are parallel to the ground.
  4. We will lengthen the coccyx towards the ground.
  5. We will firmly press the sole of the right foot against the inner part of the thigh, calf or ankle and resist with the outer part of the left leg.
  6. We will raise our arms straight above our head. We’ll make sure to keep our shoulders relaxed.

child’s posture

  1. From downward facing dog, we’ll simply bend our knees and lower our butt to our heels as we bring our chest to the ground above our knees.
  2. We will drop our shoulders and head to the ground.
  3. We will place the arms along the sides, palms down, or we can support the head by crossing the arms under the forehead.
  4. We will breathe and relax as long as we need.

Child’s pose is one of the most healing yoga poses. It awakens the connection between the breath and the body and sends calming energy through all the muscles. Balasana is a great way to take a break and relax during your yoga practice for beginners.

bridge pose

  1. We will lie on our backs.
  2. We’ll bend both knees and place our feet hip-width apart with our knees stacked over our ankles.
  3. We will put the arms on each side of the body with the palms of the hands facing the ground. We’ll spread our fingers wide.
  4. We will lengthen the skin of the coccyx towards the front of the mat.
  5. We will raise the hips and maintain the posture.


  1. We will stand with our knees and hands on the ground. The wrists should be below the shoulders and the knees below the hips.
  2. We will balance the weight evenly on all fours.
  3. We will inhale and look up, letting the stomach point towards the mat.
  4. Then we will exhale and tuck the chin into the chest, curving the back towards the ceiling.