Cold vs flu: symptoms and treatment

We're in the throes of cold and flu season for a reason: Both viruses spread during the fall, winter, and early spring, and it can often be hard to tell what you really have.

But it's always worth taking a closer look at symptoms when you're feeling unwell, because colds and the flu pose different health risks, and in some cases they may need to be managed differently.

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Cold vs Flu: What's the Difference?

Cold and flu are respiratory illnesses that have a lot in common. Both are caused by viruses , are easy to catch when you come into contact with an infected person, and trigger similar symptoms.

But they are different in two important ways; for example, the flu tends to affect you much more. If you have a cold, you may feel a little bad. But the flu generally causes a more severe constellation of symptoms that make your day difficult.

Additionally, the flu poses a much higher risk of complications, especially for those who are over 65 , have a chronic health condition such as diabetes or asthma, are pregnant, or are under 5 years old.

Although most healthy people recover safely from a case of the flu, the virus has the potential to cause pneumonia , as well as inflammation of the heart, brain, or muscles, and even extreme inflammatory responses that can lead to sepsis .

On the other hand, colds rarely cause serious mishaps. But the flu could land you in the hospital and even endanger your life.

How to detect the symptoms?

That first tickle in your nose or throat usually tells you that something is brewing inside you. But knowing if you are dealing with a cold or the flu is not always easy.

The general difference between the two syndromes is severity. You can probably get through the day with a cold. But the flu can make it difficult to even get out of bed.

Some symptoms are also more common with one virus than another. Both colds and the flu can cause respiratory symptoms such as coughing or chest discomfort, sneezing, and a sore throat . But the flu is more likely to affect the rest of your body as well, with things like fever, aches, chills, headaches, and a general feeling of weakness.

And a runny and stuffy nose tends to mostly affect people with colds. Colds tend to develop gradually over the course of a couple of days, while flu symptoms often hit you suddenly.

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How to treat cold and flu?

There is no cure for either one, so when you're sick, it's all about managing your symptoms and making them a little less miserable. Both infections are caused by viruses and do not respond to antibiotics .

Rest is the best option for a speedy recovery. Stay home, take a break from exercise, and get as much sleep as you can. Staying hydrated is also essential, but if you can't stand cold water, drink juice, clear broth, or warm water with honey and lemon. Maintaining your fluid intake is very important to prevent dehydration.

If you have a fever or pain , over-the-counter medications like ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help lower your temperature and make you feel more comfortable overall.

A sinus rinse can relieve nasal congestion and sinus pressure, while cough suppressants that contain dextromethorphan can help you noticeably. And if you have a sore throat, try gargling with warm water mixed with a quarter or a half teaspoon of salt.

When do you stop being contagious?

Both usually disappear in a week or two . And you will know that the virus is disappearing simply by how you feel. Still, it's worth being gentle with yourself until you fully recover and minimizing contact with others until you are no longer at risk of spreading germs.

We know that those with the most severe cough and fever symptoms are the most contagious. On the other hand, once you feel better and your fever is gone for at least 24 hours, you are no longer likely to be contagious.

All of that might sound good in theory. But what if you are dealing with the end of a cold that just won't go away? Should you stay home just because you have a slightly stuffy nose?

There is no right or wrong answer, especially in the era of COVID-19. But if you need to get out before your cold symptoms are completely gone, follow good hygiene practices. Wash your hands, be more attentive when wearing your mask and maintain some social distancing.

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Differences with COVID-19

Recently, most of us tended to view colds and flu a little differently. Although a fever or dry cough was a cause for keeping you away from others, a stuffy nose or sore throat probably wouldn't have kept you from going to the grocery store or even to work.

All that changed, now mild symptoms could also be signs of COVID-19. It can be difficult to tell the flu from COVID-19 based solely on symptoms. And many doctors recommend testing for COVID if a person has any symptoms.

If you think you have any symptoms but are not sure what it is, even if the symptoms are mild, stay home and see your doctor. In patients with a negative COVID-19 test, with the absence of specific COVID-19 symptoms such as loss of taste and smell, if people have cold symptoms, it is reasonable to go out with the mask, hand hygiene and social distancing.