Cheesecake with only 45 calories

Eating sweet without abusing calories can be a real headache, but with simple recipes you can treat yourself without regrets and full of nutrients. Surely many of you will melt in front of a cheesecake or cheesecake, so our recipe will interest you.

With this amount of ingredients you will get about 36 servings of cheesecake with 45 calories each , so you can eat two for only 90 calories. Do you dare to try?
We have chosen stevia as a substitute for sugar, and we have put chocolate wafers instead of normal ones to give it a more fun touch. You can always adapt it to your liking, keeping in mind that calories can vary.


  • 3 large eggs
  • A package of soft, fat-free cream cheese
  • A glass of raspberries or strawberries
  • A small spoon of vanilla extract
  • 3/4 of a glass with chocolate wafer crumbs
  • 1/2 glass of stevia
  • 1/2 cup fat-free sour cream
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract
  • A tablespoon of stevia


We preheat the oven

Preheat your oven to 350ºC.
Prepare the molds (small shortcakes) and grease them with a little olive oil.
Pour the wafer over them and wait a few seconds until it sticks.
You can turn the molds upside down so that the excess of the wafer falls.

Prepare the cheese mixture

In a mixer, beat the cream cheese until you get a creamy texture.
Add half a cup of stevia and beat again until it is a fluffy mixture.
Separate the yolks from the whites and add the 3 yolks along with the vanilla extract to the cheese mixture. Mix all the ingredients very well.

Make a second mix

Mix the fat-free sour cream with the vanilla extract.

Beat the whites

As always, beat the 3 egg whites manually or with the mixer until assembled. Add them little by little to the cream cheese mixture.


In the previously greased molds and covered with the wafer, add a tablespoon of the cream cheese mixture and bake for 15 minutes.

Remove the pans from the oven and pour in one more tablespoon of the sour cream mixture. Bake 5 more minutes.

Let cool and serve

Before unmolding, let them cool to prevent breakage.

You can add the crushed or whole raspberries on top.