Can you strength train if you have arthritis?

When you hear strength training, you may only think about building muscle. But this type of exercise can also help protect your joints and ease stiffness, which can be incredibly helpful for people with arthritis. Symptoms of this disease include pain, ache, stiffness, and swelling in or near the joints.

Since there is no cure, controlling symptoms is the primary goal of sufferers, and weight lifting can help with that. Strength training improves muscle strength, which can decrease the pressure that is distributed through the connective tissues of a joint. Proper training can reduce pain and improve function.

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5 tips for strength training if you have arthritis

Know your physical condition

First, it is important to consider the type of arthritis you have. Although all types affect the joints, the two most common forms, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis (RA), have some key differences to consider.

RA is a common inflammatory type that is likely due to a complex interplay of genetic factors and our environment. Osteoarthritis, on the other hand, occurs when the protective tissue at the ends of the bones (cartilage) wears down over time.

Although pain, stiffness, and swelling are common in both, RA has a symmetrical pattern. For example, if an exercise causes pain in your left knee, it may also cause discomfort in your right. This is different from osteoarthritis, which causes asymmetric pain.

With that in mind, exercise within a range of motion that is most comfortable for you. Any exercise that can be tolerated is ideal as long as the necessary technique and range of motion can be achieved.

Although a little discomfort may be okay, don't do any exercise that hurts your joints.

persona cogiendo una mancuerna con artritis

Performs proper warm-up and cool-down

Before starting your strength training, warm up to prepare your muscles for their full range of motion. Skipping a warm-up can increase your chance of injury.

Warming up ensures that the muscles are not hampered by adhesions and that they are ready to receive increased signals from the nervous system and respond appropriately. Ensuring that the muscle is ready for maximum work will allow the most force through the muscle and will also limit residual force through the ligaments and cartilage structures.

Ending your workout with a cool down helps your body return to its normal temperature, blood pressure, and heart rate. Proper cooling also increases body function, leading to greater flexibility and less chance of injury.

Some low-impact exercises for both warm-up and cool-down are ideal for strength training. For example, simple activities like walking, biking, or yoga are a good option.

Choose the sports equipment for you

You don't have to lift heavy weights to strength train. Isometric exercises are ideal for people with arthritis because they create tension in the muscles without changing the position of the joint that the muscle normally moves. Although not the best for building muscle, isometric exercises can help people with arthritis build joint stability and strength over time, so they can move on to other forms of strength training.
Examples of isometric exercises include planks, wall squats, and many yoga poses, such as the chair pose.

Other exercises are selfloading. Bodyweight exercises (think squats or push-ups) that require no material and can be done anywhere. Don't underestimate the power of these movements – multiple muscle groups are activated at once, helping you build more muscle and burn more calories.

You can also use resistance bands , as they are more controllable and limit the risk of shape alteration and injury. They are incredibly beneficial in helping you focus your control and strengthen muscles with greater resistance than perhaps a light weight.

Weight machines can be helpful for people with arthritis as they control resistance and protect against injury. This can be a great stepping stone to light weights. However, light weights, such as dumbbells and kettlebells , are recommended for those with adequate lifting form as they require more stabilization.

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Respect your limits

While exercising, you may feel some discomfort or pain when stretching your muscles, which is fine. But if the pain reaches a point where it is not tolerable or you experience a flare, it is better to stop the training.

Generally speaking, it is best to listen to your body during exercise. It is normal to feel slight pain during exercise. However, if you are developing a distinct sensation of pain, it is best to stop that exercise.

It's also important to stay in your range of motion and not over exercise, which can put too much pressure and strain on your joints.

Consider working with a personal trainer

Since arthritis is complicated and can affect people differently, it might be a good idea to work with a professional, such as a physical therapist or certified personal trainer , who has experience designing and adapting exercises for people with the condition.