Can you iron if you are pregnant?

Pregnancy dramatically changes the body to support the growing baby. That also means it changes the way you exercise, especially the way you train your abs. As your uterus expands, your rectus abdominis (the superficial abdominal muscle that covers the front of your abdomen) stretches.

At best, this means that your abs are not working at full strength. And in some cases, the pull on the rectus abdominis and the linea alba (the tissue that connects the left and right sides) is so strong that your abs pull apart. This is known as diastasis recti.

mujer con embarazo de pocas semanas

According to a September 2016 study published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine, which followed 300 women through their first pregnancy, approximately 32.6 percent developed diastasis rectum at 21 weeks and 60 percent developed it at six weeks after delivery.

People who are older when they become pregnant, have a higher BMI, have had multiple pregnancies, or are pregnant with twins or triplets are at higher risk of developing diastasis recti during or after pregnancy. Also, the weaker the abdominal muscles, the higher the risk.

So you don't need to put your basic workouts aside entirely, but you should modify them based on your specific pregnancy needs and as you get closer to your due date.

Is it safe to plank during pregnancy?

Since the abdominal muscles progressively weaken as they stretch during pregnancy, you may be wondering if it is safe to do planks or any abdominal exercise.

In general, it is safe to do planks during the first trimester if you were already doing them before you got pregnant and you have no contraindications (for example, you are not at risk of having diastasis of the rectum or being diagnosed with it). In fact, as long as you are allowed to exercise, planking can help keep your core muscles strong and help prevent diastasis recti.

However, as your belly grows, you may want to consider moving from planks if you notice that there is not much room for your tummy between the rest of your body and the floor while doing planks or if you feel unstable while doing planks.

How do you know if you can make irons?

It's probably okay to do them if all of the following apply to you:

  • You are in your first trimester
  • You did physical activity before pregnancy and did planks
  • You are authorized to exercise
  • You have no contraindications or complications.

You should not iron if you are in any of the following situations:

  • You notice that your abdomen bulges, also known as bulging, during abdominal exercises
  • You have a weak core
  • You are in your second or third trimester
  • You are at risk of suffering from diastasis of the rectum or have been previously diagnosed
  • You are not allowed to exercise
  • You did not exercise before pregnancy

Disadvantages of making plates

Whether you're continuing an existing workout routine or starting a new one during pregnancy, here are some other things to know about including planks in your workout.

Planks can put extra pressure on lean abdominal muscles

Planks put weight directly on your abdominal muscles. As your baby grows, the abdominal wall begins to thin and stretch with the weight pressing on it. If you get into a plank position, you are putting weight directly on lean, stretched muscles.

So while doing standard planks during the first trimester, when your baby weighs less, is generally fine, you'll need to switch to something else as your baby grows in the second and third trimesters due to the risk of abdominal muscle fatigue.

Pregnant women should avoid exercises, such as planks, crunches , sit ups, and V-abdominals, that require a lot of effort from the abdominal muscles, as this can cause bulging in the abdominal wall.

The dome is the bulge of the abdominal wall (which makes the bulge look more like a cone or dome), which creates pressure on the linea alba.

They can exacerbate back pain

Low back pain is a common complaint during pregnancy. That's because as your belly expands, your center of gravity shifts, altering posture and putting more stress on your lower back.

When you plank during pregnancy, you run the risk of injuring your back due to the stress that the baby bump can put on your body, particularly your back. If you don't perform the exercise with proper technique or you don't have good core strength, your body will use your back muscles to keep you in position. This creates a strain on the back muscles and possibly an injury.

Also, when you're pregnant, the ligaments in your back begin to stretch to prepare for a growing belly, making them more prone to injury. And because you need to fully engage the core muscles on a plank, which are already weakened by pregnancy, it can be difficult (if not impossible and inadvisable) to contract the abdominal muscle , which means your lower back takes another hit.

The pelvic tilt and the weight down when doing a plank can pull your lower back. Everyone is unique, but I would say at the end of the second trimester or the beginning of the third trimester, the plates are not a good idea unless they are elevated.
If you have any signs of diastasis recti or struggles with a balanced back (pelvis leans forward), avoid all plank variations, such as climbers and push-ups. Instead, you can try a kneeling plank to avoid the direct gravitational pull on your abs and lower back.

How to exercise safely during pregnancy?

The fact that you will need to modify your abs workouts during pregnancy to keep you and your baby safe and allow for greater comfort in the abdominal area is no excuse for skipping your core training altogether.

It is very important to keep your abs strong during pregnancy because it will help your body throughout your pregnancy, during labor, and with postnatal recovery. You need that muscle strength to help support your spine and pelvis as your baby's increasing weight begins to push your body forward and shift the balance of weight and pressure on your joints.

A strong core is also key to pushing during labor . The oblique muscles are especially important at this point to help wrap the midsection and help push during contractions.

In general, it is safe to exercise during pregnancy once your obstetrician gives you the green light, especially if you are healthy and have no complications. In fact, exercise during pregnancy can help lower your risk of gestational diabetes, preeclampsia (high blood pressure), and cesarean delivery. It can also help relieve constipation and back pain.

The best abdominal exercises for pregnancy

Despite not being able to do planks and certain variations during pregnancy, there are many other ways to train your core. Making raised planks on a sofa, bench or wall is completely safe and recommended.

Here are some additional abdominal exercises to help you keep your core strong.

Side plank

  • On a yoga mat, lie on your left side with your left forearm on the floor and your shoulder on your elbow.
  • Extend your legs out and square your hips one on top of the other, place your right leg on top of your left. Keep your right hand on your hip.
  • Pushing through your feet and left forearm, lift your hips off the ground to form a straight line from feet to shoulders. Avoid turning your hips to the side or submerging them.
  • Hold for 30 seconds and then switch sides.

If you feel stable on this side plank, you can extend your upper arm toward the ceiling and move your gaze upward. If you don't, drop your bottom knee to the ground. Maintaining balance is vital to preventing falls and keeping you and your baby safe during pregnancy.


  • Lying on your back on a yoga mat, prop yourself up on your forearms with your hands flat on the floor at your sides. Bend your knees and bring them towards your chest.
  • Pressing your lower back against the floor, extend your legs forward at a 45-degree angle.
  • Bend your legs inward, pulling in through your abs. Complete 12 reps.

Incline push-ups

  • Get on a raised board by placing your hands shoulder-width apart on a bench, sofa, or other elevated surface and your feet on the floor. Make sure your shoulders are positioned over your wrists.
  • Squeezing your whole body, slowly lower your chest towards the bench. Keep your shoulders down and back and away from your ears.
  • Pressing your hands firmly on the bench, push yourself back onto a raised board with your arms fully extended.
  • Try to work for 30 seconds.

Pallof Press

  • Tie a resistance band to an anchor point, such as a pole, stair railing, or similar object, at chest height.
  • Stand a few feet from the anchor to the side and hold the free end of the resistance band with both hands on your chest, creating tension in the band.
  • As you exhale, pull the band away from your chest and stretch your arms out in front of you. Engage your core muscles to prevent the band from pushing you toward the anchor point and avoid rolling your shoulders.
  • Then bring the band up to your chest.
  • Try to work for 30 seconds.

Farmer's pass

  • With a pair of dumbbells or kettlebells, hold a weight in each hand with your arms down at your sides. Stand with good posture, keeping your spine erect, your chest proud, and your shoulders down and back. Engage your forearms and triceps to grab the weights and keep them from touching your thighs.
  • With your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your sides, begin to walk forward. Remember to engage your core and move your shoulders back and down.
  • Keep walking maintaining good posture. Increase the number of steps or time spent as you get stronger.
  • Try to work for 30 seconds.

Is it dangerous to iron during pregnancy?

Ultimately, planks are great core-strengthening exercises that you can safely continue to do during the first trimester if you feel comfortable and have no complications or warnings from your doctor. But as you progress through your pregnancy, you may prefer to wait, as they can put extra pressure on your already weak abdominal muscles.

However, there are many other abdominal exercises you can do to stay strong during pregnancy and after delivery. It's important to talk openly with your doctor about your exercise routine and discuss any concerns you have.