Brief Pilates routine especially for glutes

The buttocks are one of the most trained muscles, not only by women, but also by men.

Generally, a good glute workout will give your body a better silhouette, making it look much better from your backside. However, strengthening them not only helps you look better, but also helps you perform some exercises much more efficiently.

For this reason, we recommend that you try this short Pilates routine especially for glutes . You will only need 7 minutes a day and a little space. As a bonus, this workout will also help you strengthen your thighs.

Rutina breve de Pilates especial para glúteos

Pilates routine for glutes

1. Gluteal bridge with leg rotation

  1. Begin in a glute bridge position.
  2. Lie on your back, with your knees bent and your feet close to your butt.
  3. Push through your feet and upper back to lift your hips off the floor.
  4. Lift your left leg off the floor at a 45-degree angle. Point your toes to the side.
  5. Move your leg to the right side, contracting your obliques.
  6. Swing your foot back to the 45 degree angle.
  7. Do 10 repetitions.
Puente de glúteos con rotación de pierna

2. Glute bridge with side kick

  1. From the position of the previous movement, add a kick towards the ceiling after the leg sweep, so that your leg ends perpendicular to the ground.
  2. Do 10 repetitions.
Ejercicios de Pilates para tonificar los glúteos

3. Pointed Leg Raise

  1. Still in the bridge position, finish with your leg perpendicular to the ground.
  2. Point your foot, then lift and lower (pulse) just a few inches, while anchoring through your right foot.
  3. Do 15 repetitions.

As a tip, repeat the first three exercises for the same number of repetitions (on the right leg). After finishing the second round, lower back and roll onto your stomach. This will make the exercise more challenging.

Ejercicios de Pilates para fortalecer los glúteos

4. The grasshopper

  1. Lie on your stomach and spread your knees as far apart as you can. Bend your knees to bring your big toes together.
  2. Bring your toes together and squeeze your glutes to lift your thighs off the floor, while placing your toes pointing upward.
  3. Raise and then lower several inches.
  4. Do 25 repetitions.
Ejercicio del saltamontes para fortalecer los glúteos

5. Hamstring curl

  1. Spread your legs so that they hover over the ground.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings to bend your knees to 90 degrees.
  3. Do 10 repetitions.
Ejercicio de curl de isquiotibiales para glúteos

6. Heel shocks

  1. Without lowering your legs to the floor, extend them and hold them.
  2. With your toes out, bring your heels together.
  3. As fast as you can, kick your heels out and squeeze your glutes all the time.
  4. Do 25 repetitions.

As a tip to make it more challenging, lower your legs to ground level, then return to child's pose with your glutes resting on your heels and with your arms extended in front of you. Breathe and hold for 10 seconds.

If this exercise was not difficult enough for you, then you can add ankle weights or resistance bands for the next time you go to practice them. Or, you can simply repeat the entire circuit one more time.

Entrenamiento de Pilates para fortalecer los glúteos


At the end of this Pilates training routine for the buttocks, you can feel really satisfied, since it efficiently works the muscles of your butt, making them look more toned and stronger.

You can buy Fitness resistance bands on Amazon


  • Lili, L. 7-Minute Booty-Building Pilates Workout. For Livestrong [Revised December 2019].