Benefits of melon, the favorite summer fruit

The melon is a refreshing, healthy and easy to consume fruit perfect for both children and adults. In addition, since its high water content helps prevent dehydration, melon is an ideal refreshing snack for summer , and it contains nutrients that can help improve your health. In this article we explain what are the benefits of melon and the properties of this delicious fruit.

Melon properties

The origin of the melon is very imprecise: some authors affirm that it originates from Central Asia , while others place its origin on the African continent. Whatever its origin, it cannot be denied that the benefits of melon are numerous thanks to the properties it has due to its nutritional load.

The melon is composed of minerals such as calcium, phosphorus or iron ; numerous vitamins, such as those of the B, A, C or E complex, and nutrients such as selenium, beta carotene, zeaxanthin or lutein.

Melon benefits

Helps to lose weight

Due to its low caloric value, one of the main benefits of melon is that it is a great option to compose the menu of healthy diets. In addition, being fibrous and rich in water, it helps in the feeling of satiety , in addition to providing a better functioning of the intestine.

Descubre los beneficios del melón

Power source

Rich in carbohydrates, it can be consumed before the practice of physical activities or at breakfast to start the day with energy. The explanation for this is that, although it is low in calories, it is basically composed of carbohydrates and water . Carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body, and their consumption is essential for the health, mood and well-being of the body.

Healthier skin

Full of vitamin C, as well as various antioxidants, melon is perfect for maintaining the health and vitality of the skin, since these substances are essential for this. Above all, this vitamin fights free radicals , one of those responsible for early aging.

Prevent asthma

Certain animal studies suggest that consuming a large amount of the antioxidant beta-carotene , a form of vitamin A, can help prevent asthma from developing later in a person's life.

Beta-carotene is found in yellow and orange fruits, like cantaloupe. One cup – or 177 grams (g -) of melon balls contains 3,580 micrograms (mcg) of beta carotene.

Lowers blood pressure

The fiber, potassium and vitamin C present in melon contribute to improving heart health.

Eating foods high in potassium can help lower blood pressure according to the American Heart Association (AHA), which recommends that the average adult consume 4,700 mg of potassium per day to maintain a healthy cardiovascular system.

One cup of cantaloupe provides about 473 mg of potassium, or 10% of a person's recommended daily intake to lower blood pressure and preserve cardiovascular health.

Supports digestion and prevents constipation

Cantaloupe is high in water and electrolytes, making it a good choice for increasing hydration during hot summer months or after a workout. Some examples of electrolytes in cantaloupe are sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium .

In addition, melon also provides fiber. Fiber and water can help prevent constipation , promoting regularity and a healthy digestive tract.