Are organic products really better than regular ones?

Surely at some point you have been overwhelmed by innumerable information and advertising about organic products. Most supermarkets and department stores refer to a large part of their products with this categorization.

If you are trying to eat healthy, and you fill your purchase with fruits, meats, vegetables, eggs and dairy, surely you ask yourself questions such as: Should I buy organic products? Are they better for our body? Is it worth paying more for these foods?

The great defenders of these products, assure that these foods are safer. Possibly more nutritious and tastier than non-organic foods. They also justify the consumption of these products by respecting the environment and a better treatment of animal life.

Although organic food generally costs more, sometimes much more, sales are constantly increasing. At the same time that the sales of organic products grow, so do the crops and farms that are more aware of the environment, and that is probably the greatest and indisputable advantage of these organic products.

productos organicos

Despite all these aspects that make us see organic or ecological food as true superfoods, we must know that not all the scientific community agrees with this statement. For this reason, we are going to analyze certain aspects that may clear up your doubts when buying organic products.

Why are they organic products?

They are organic or ecological foods, those that are grown and processed according to strict quality and traceability standards. These prohibit the use of fertilizers, pesticides, or any chemical product that alters the growth of the plant. In the case of food such as meat or eggs, these will come from animals that live in organic farms, free of synthetic feed and cages.

Are they safer for the consumer?

If we talk about pesticides, herbicides and other chemicals, it is easy to say that yes, they can be safer. Your chances of getting pesticide residues are much lower in organic food. However this does not make them safer.

Organic crops, as they do not have chemical agents that care for their growth, are prone to greater pests. This causes the plants to be treated with organic products that can also leave residues of substances that are harmful to the body.

productos organicos

As a general rule, these traces of both chemical and organic agents that we can find in food are not so high as to be toxic. So regardless of the products we purchase, we must always wash them, before consuming. In this aspect, it is not safer because it is organic.

Are organic foods more nutritious?

No one can say for sure if organic food is more nutritious than conventional food. Some studies have reported that organic products have higher levels of vitamin C, certain minerals, and antioxidants, which are believed to protect the body against aging, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. But the differences are so small that they probably have no impact on overall nutrition.

Is it worth paying more for organic products?

Beyond whether the products are more nutritious, healthier, more expensive or cheaper, there is a reason that we do believe that justifies us moving to organic life.

productos orgánicos

Pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers are toxic and accumulate. They accumulate persistently in the soils and waters of the planet. On the animal side, consuming food from farms that take care of their animals can help improve ecological awareness. This may be another reason to help take care of our planet and avoid pollution.

Even so, and knowing all this, we must not forget that there is not enough evidence that can prove a real advantage in the consumption of organic food.