Almonds, discover their properties and benefits

Consuming a handful of almonds regularly helps you take care of your health in different aspects. Although it is a high-fat food, it is a powerful source of natural and healthy energy. It is a type of low-water dried fruit whose components are highly concentrated.

Nutritional properties of almonds

Almonds are rich in protein, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins E and B. In addition, they are a source of fiber and contain minerals such as calcium . It is a food full of health properties and great benefits.

What are the benefits of almonds?

Take care of cardiovascular health

Regular consumption of almonds can greatly decrease your chances of suffering from heart disease . And it is that, its content in polyunsaturated fats helps regulate cholesterol levels , thus taking care of cardiovascular health.

Source of antioxidants

They are packed with antioxidants, which protect the body from oxidative damage that causes aging and various diseases. This property is found mainly in the skin of the fruit. Almonds are one of the foods with the highest vitamin E content in the world. Its function is to protect cell membranes from oxidative damage.

Blood sugar control

This type of dried fruit is high in magnesium . Magnesium is involved in a large number of processes in the body, including the regulation of blood sugar . The recommended daily intake of magnesium could help prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes.

They are satiating

Almonds are low in carbohydrates and rich in fiber and protein . Therefore, they increase satiety, reducing calorie intake. They are a very healthy snack , ideal for athletes. It is necessary to lose your fear of nuts in order to acquire all the benefits they offer.

How can I consume almonds?

Luckily, it’s not just a nutritious food with tons of benefits. In addition, it is delicious and is very versatile . You can take them alone or mixed with other foods. You have the option of doing it peeled or skinned , although you already know that valuable properties are found in its skin. It is important that you avoid choosing them toasted or salty. Nuts are highly recommended, but always natural. Sprinkle them on your salads, have yogurt with muesli and almonds for breakfast, or even make your own natural drink.