All the benefits of almonds if you consume them daily

Once you know the benefits of almonds , you will probably decide to start eating them daily. They are the most popular and most nutritious nuts. While it is true that many eat them due to their sweet and delicate flavor, other people pay more attention to the properties that we will explain in this article.

The benefits of almonds

plat de almendras

If we talk about the benefits of almonds from a more general perspective, we have probably already heard on more than one occasion that they help with hair formation, skin regrowth, strengthening bones and improving cardiovascular health .

However, the benefits of these nuts do not stop here. To understand them, it is necessary to delve into their unique properties .


The properties of almonds include a high fiber content. In fact, these are the nuts with the highest fiber content . They are also an important source of protein, so athletes interested in keeping fit and building muscle mass should include them in their daily diet.

Regarding the minerals they contain, they are a rich source of phosphorus, calcium and zinc , a characteristic responsible for the fact that almonds help to maintain good bone health.

In addition to all of the above, almonds have a high percentage of healthy fats, which is why they will not only help us maintain adequate cholesterol levels , but will also greatly contribute to providing us with the energy we need to be active in our day to day life. .

To get an idea of the caloric intake of almonds, we can estimate that we will get 100 calories for every 20 almonds . A low amount, which contrasts with its high nutritional contribution. Therefore, people who add almonds to their diet do not gain weight, as long as the consumption is moderate (Sabate, 2007).

To this must be added that almonds are characterized by being powerful regulators of appetite . This benefit can be especially helpful for people who want to lose weight but have trouble dealing with hunger. In fact, due to their low glycemic index, they can be consumed even by people with diabetes.

It should be noted that these properties can be used in almonds in any way, but the best way to take advantage of them is by eating raw almonds. In order not to eat them only as an aperitif, they can be used as an ingredient for desserts, salads and juices . Likewise, if we are fans of other nuts, we can also consume them together with almonds.

Increase energy

The combination of carbohydrates with high doses of iron makes almonds not only fight anemia, but also guarantees that we will have a lot of energy , something that will be especially useful for athletes and people who perform work that requires great physical effort.

Reduce the risk of heart problems

People who eat almonds frequently have a lower risk of heart problems , compared to people who never do (Ros and Mataix, 2006). This is because the amino acids and essential fatty acids in almonds have been shown to contribute to the good health of the arterial walls .

Strengthen teeth and bones

If you want to have beautiful teeth and bones that are difficult to break, then you should consider taking advantage of the benefits that almonds provide when consumed daily. Thanks to its high content of phosphorus and magnesium, almonds strengthen our entire skeletal system .

But this benefit is not only limited to strengthening, but also prevents the appearance of diseases such as osteoporosis . So fractures and degenerative diseases will have less chance of affecting you.

Improve brain function

The properties of almonds help maintain good brain health , making our brain can stay active without problems.

They strengthen the immune system

varias almendras

Adding almonds to your diet may be all you need to stop suffering from constant colds or increase the speed with which you heal from certain diseases. It happens that, thanks to their zinc content, almonds strengthen the immune system.

In addition, thanks to the fact that they contain vitamin A, they contribute to the detoxification of the body against all kinds of toxins that could harm our health.

Fight free radicals

Another benefit that almonds provide is their power as an antioxidant, because thanks to their high content of vitamin E and selenium, they fight free radicals, which means that they delay aging and help prevent degenerative diseases , at the same time that help us to have a cleaner and smoother skin.


  • Sabate, J. (2007). Nut consumption and change in weight: the weight of the evidence. British Journal of Nutrition , 98 (3), 456-457.
  • Ros, E., & Mataix, J. (2006). Fatty acid composition of nuts – implications for cardiovascular health. British Journal of Nutrition , 96 (S2), S29-S35.
  • Monreal. (2019, July 23). Almonds: a dry fruit full of properties and benefits . The vanguard.