7 tricks to give your squats more intensity if you train at home

In a good exercise routine at home you can not miss squats . They are the undisputed queens in training, whether you are in the gym or in the comfort of your home. In our article today we tell you what you can and should do if what you are looking for is to give more intensity to your squats and achieve surprising results.

How to give more intensity to your squats

Squats, like sit-ups, should be done very often. Remember that it is not good to train every day, as it is important to give the muscles of the body a period of rest and recovery. But, on the days that you do exercise, we recommend not neglecting the squats . As a result of squatting on a regular basis, you will significantly transform your legs and glutes; In addition, you will develop strength in the core and lower back (as long as you practice them properly).

There are 3 fundamental principles to squatting correctly and achieving your desired goals: technique, mobility, and execution. We are going to tell you how to give your squats more intensity and comply with these fitness precepts. To start strengthening your squats, you need mobility to reach the necessary position; You also need stability to control the descending and ascending movements and, finally, a good technique.

Print speed to movement

The key to power squats is speed. Speed up your squats and you will help develop power; and, in addition, you will be able to improve the technique. It is useless if you do them quickly but badly. What common mistakes should you avoid? For starters, don’t bend your knees first; It sounds a bit illogical, but this makes squats difficult, plus it adds extra pressure to the muscles and cartilage in your knees, and you don’t want to injure yourself!

This brings us to the next point: avoid pulling your knees inward, as you could seriously injure yourself. You should also not lean your back forward, as you could injure yourself and, of course, do not raise your heels once you are “sitting”. These are common mistakes, and you should watch them carefully before doing your squats quickly.

La profundidad es una de los trucos para dar más intensidad a tus sentadillas

Improves lower body mobility

A squat is not done correctly if you do not have mobility or agility in your lower body. Form and depth are important in these exercises, as well as flexibility. Our biggest obstacles are often our hips and hamstrings, as well as our ankles and calves. Our recommendation? Exercise the parts of the body involved in this type of exercise to gain mobility and thereby give more intensity to your squats.

Suitable footwear

It may seem absurd to you, but if you don’t have the right shoes you may not be able to squat properly. The wrong shoes can make it difficult for you to squat, so what shoes should you wear? We recommend you get a special pair of shoes for weight lifting.

This type of footwear will help you achieve stability and balance because it adapts perfectly to the foot, which will prevent you from wobbling when going up or down, as well as giving you good traction, in case you have it at home, for example. , a barbell and load a deadlift. Don’t have a bar? No problem: you can add dumbbell weights to your exercise routine.

Why are these shoes great for squats? If the benefits described above do not seem sufficient for you, we comment that these types of shoes have a wide and flat sole and, above all, in case you do not have much flexibility, they provide you with a suitable position.

Do deep squats

You don’t have to limit yourself to traditional squats, we suggest you practice sumo squats. What are these? Those in which the body lowers considerably, with respect to the ground and that imitate the position of this traditional Japanese sport. Why do them? If you lower your body more, your legs improve, your glutes are activated, you take weight off your hips, strengthen your lower back and regenerate your legs without difficulty. The only problem with sumo squats is that you have to be quite agile and flexible, but nothing that cannot be worked on. We have already advised you to work on these areas of your body before.

Use elastic bands

Elastic bands or resistance bands are the ideal complement that can give more intensity to your squats if you are training from home. They are an affordable accessory and they are capable of adding tension to the exercise you do, no matter what it is. The benefits? The glutes and quadriceps are activated considerably.

How to do them? Step into the band and step on it with your legs shoulder-width apart. Bring the band across your upper back to create more tension. Press your abs, push your chest out, and keep your back straight. The descent begins slowly.

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Wear a weight lifting belt

Another great ally for squats at home is the weight lifting belt. Why? These types of accessories increase abdominal pressure and provide stability. The idea of using them is to expand the abdomen, which provides stability and prevents injury.

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Knee bandages

Knee bandages are not a myth. They can really help you power up your squats by applying 10 to 20 percent more additional force to your body. Imagine that you were carrying weight when you squatted. Knee wraps can make you carry 120 pounds instead of 100 kg. And not only that: knee wraps can provide stability and balance, as well as strength.

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