7 morning hacks for a happier and more productive morning

If you are reading this it is because you are probably one of the many who suffers from having to leave the warmth of your bed every morning. And, believe it or not, this is a bad way to start the day .

Experts say that your attitude when you wake up is crucial for the mood you will have for the next 10 to 12 hours. In addition, they agree that people who are in a good mood from the moment they arrive at work are more likely to maintain it throughout the day (Rothbard and Wilk, 2012).

Therefore, discover 7 morning tricks to start the day in better spirits and be more productive.

Trucos matutinos para tener un día más feliz y productivo

7 morning hacks to have a happy and productive day

1. Get up on the right side of the bed

Despite what you may have heard, the correct side of the bed is the left .

According to a survey by the Spatone company, with 2,000 participants, people who get up on the right side tend to wake up feeling more tired, bad mood and disorientation than those who use the left side.

Levantarse del lado incorrecto de la cama causa cansancio

2. Do an act of kindness

Being nice to others makes you happy, so consider starting your day with a good deed . This could be sending an “I love you” text to your mother or partner, posting a motivational photo on your social media, or offering a cup of coffee to your elderly neighbor.

Starting the day in a good mood improves your mood and productivity throughout the day.

Realizar un acto de amabilidad funciona como truco matutino

3. Let the sun come into your room

As soon as you get up, the recommendation is that you open the blinds or curtains to make way for the light. With this, you will be able to stimulate the photosensitive cells in your eyes , sending a signal to the brain that it is time to wake up. Likewise, you will be increasing the levels of the neurotransmitter serotonin, which plays a fundamental role in regulating the body’s mood and energy.

Dejar entrar el sol te ayuda a despertar mejor

4. Exercise

People who exercise in the morning more easily get used to physical activity and are more active during the day (Hanlon, Larson, Bailey, LeCheminant, 2012). Similarly, exercise causes you to release endorphins, which causes your mood to improve and last for several hours.

An alternative to running or visiting the gym in the morning is to stretch to release stiff muscles and increase circulation. In this way, your brain will receive more oxygen and your mind will be more clear.

Cómo despertar relajado y lleno de energía

5. Listen to music

Experts say that listening to upbeat songs improves mood (Ferguson & Sheldon, 2013). This is because this type of music stimulates the part of your brain related to rewards, which in turn, causes a release of the neurotransmitter dopamine.

Escuchar canciones felices mejora el ánimo durante el día

6. Wash the dishes

According to a study, washing dishes or dust before leaving home improves your mood and inspiration by 25% and reduces nervousness by 27% (Hanley, Warner, Dehili, Canto & Garland, 2015). Additionally, the benefits can be applied to other household activities such as folding laundry or vacuuming.

Keep in mind that for doing housework to work as a method of relaxation, you must focus your attention on what you are doing, perceive the smells and the sensations that it produces.

Trucos para despertar por la mañana con más energía

7. Hug a loved one

When you hug a loved one, the hormone oxytocin is released, which can lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress. Similarly, hugs improve your health and prevent you from suffering from respiratory conditions such as colds (Cohen, Janicki-Deverts, Turner & Doyle, 2014).

Abrazar a un ser querido ayuda a dormir mejor


The way you get up is decisive for your work performance and your mood during the day. Therefore, you should consider these 7 morning tricks to have a happier and more productive morning .

Cómo despertar por las mañanas con más energía


  • Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D., Turner, RB, & Doyle, WJ (2014). Does hugging provide stress-buffering social support? A study of susceptibility to upper respiratory infection and illness. Psychological science. doi: 10.1177 / 0956797614559284
  • Ferguson, Y. and Sheldon, K. (2013). Trying to be happier really can work: Two experimental studies. The Journal of Positive Psychology. doi: 10.1080 / 17439760.2012.747000
  • Hanley, A., Warner, A., Dehili, V., Canto, A. and Garland, E. (2015). Washing Dishes to Wash the Dishes: Brief Instruction in an Informal Mindfulness Practice. Mindfulness. doi: 10.1007 / s12671-014-0360-9
  • Hanlon, B., Larson, M., Bailey, B. and LeCheminant, J. (2012). Neural response to pictures of food after exercise in normal-weight and obese women. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. doi: 10.1249 / MSS.0b013e31825cade5
  • Rothbard, N. and Wilk, S. (2012). Waking Up on the Right or Wrong Side of the Bed: Start-of-Workday Mood, Work Events, Employee Affect, and Performance. Academy of Management Journal. doi: 10.5465 / amj.2007.0056