5 potential pitfalls of socializing too much at work

Being part of a friendly work environment not only makes the hours you spend in the office more enjoyable, but establishing such relationships in the workplace can increase your job satisfaction and productivity.

However, when it comes to developing a friendship in your workplace , you should consider that there are a number of assumptions of what you can and what you cannot do to avoid pushing the limits.

Learn about 6 potential pitfalls of socializing too much at work and expert advice on how to professionally handle each one.

¿Es buena la vinculación excesiva con compañeros de trabajo?

5 drawbacks of socializing excessively at work

1. Relaxing too much at work parties

Work parties, especially those outside of the office, are often the perfect time for any of your colleagues to fall into the trap of socializing too much. So if you want to enjoy yourself without embarrassing yourself the next day, you should know that having a drink of alcohol makes you seem sociable, fun and part of the team, but more can make you the target of rumors.

If you want a fun night out where you can really vent, do it with people who don’t sign your paychecks, as reputation is key to career advancement .

Peligros de socializar demasiado con compañeros de trabajo

2. Take your colleague to the next level of relationship

In some cases, a friendship at work can turn into a typical employment relationship trap : a romance.

The first thing most people do is believe that, for the sake of their reputation, they should stick to the professional script during work hours. And although maintaining privacy seems to be the best option, the recommendation is that you make sure to inform your supervisor and the human resources department of your relationship, since it is preferable that they find out for yourself, especially if you are dating someone with a position lower than yours.

Conveniencia de relacionarse demasiado con colegas de trabajo

3. Make too many personal calls

Thanks to the fact that technology keeps us in constant communication, it is very easy to fall into the trap of overlapping professional life with personal life (either consciously or unconsciously), and spend hours talking on the phone, sending messages or reviewing information from your networks social.

This will not be a problem as long as you make sure to have a little phone chat once you are done with your duties.

No socializar en exceso en el trabajo

4. Add coworkers to your social networks

Because private information is usually published on social networks, it is possible that by interacting with co-workers through any of them you can blur the line between your personal and professional life.

The time to do these kinds of things is only when you develop a close personal relationship with a co-worker, the kind that happens outside of the office.

No agregar a compañeros de trabajo a tus redes sociales

5. Messaging too much with your colleagues

Although express messaging can be one of the easiest and most discreet ways to communicate with your colleagues during business hours, it is important that you do not get carried away by words when you write as this can undermine your professionalism.

While it is true that it is convenient to have a close relationship with your co-workers , you should try to find a way to keep your messages from getting out of control and avoid using it as a space to gossip and voice complaints.

Conductas mal vistas al socializar en el trabajo


A harmonious work environment is not synonymous with an excessive personal relationship with your work colleagues . To take care of that line between the professional and the personal, it is important to take into account what are the typical traps in which you can fall:

  • Relaxing excessively at work parties.
  • Take a colleague to the next level.
  • Make too many personal calls.
  • Add coworkers to your social networks.
  • Chatting too much with your colleagues during business hours.


  • Burton, N. How to Navigate 8 Potential Pitfalls of Socializing at Work. For Livestrong [Revised January 2019].