7 keys to progress doing push-ups and doing more and better

Push-ups are one of the most popular and efficient exercises for working the upper body without materials. In this way, with your own weight, you can exercise your pectorals, triceps brachii and deltoids . In addition, following the keys to progress by doing push-ups you can also exercise the rhomboid, erector, oblique, rectum, transverse, quadriceps femoris and gluteal muscles.

In this way, push-ups will allow you to train comprehensively, exercising your muscles and your mobility, coordination, resistance and body balance . Likewise, they will help you strengthen your shoulders to avoid possible injuries. Know the best keys to progress doing push-ups and achieve better results when training!

Claves para progresar haciendo flexiones de forma fácil y rápida

Keys to progress doing push-ups and improving your performance

To achieve good results when doing push-ups you need to maintain good body posture. In this way, you will avoid unnecessary loads and possible injuries to the back or shoulders.

Keep your body straight

By keeping your back and legs straight, you can improve your performance when doing push-ups, as the effort will be reduced . In addition, by maintaining this posture you will avoid injuries to the spine and muscle tension will be reduced.

To achieve this, you can tighten your core and glutes, as this will generate the necessary tension to keep your spine neutral . In the same way, it will protect your lower back and help you have a good body posture.

Importancia de mantener la espalda recta al hacer flexiones

Avoid bowing your head

Keeping your neck straight and gazing down at the ground can help you avoid unnecessary loads on your body. In addition, with these keys to progress doing push-ups you can avoid neck pain and improve your results .

In this way, it is important that you avoid looking away to the sides of your body, as it will generate unnecessary tension on the neck. For this reason, it is recommended that you define a point on the ground and keep your eyes on it when doing push-ups .

Claves para progresar haciendo flexiones: evitar inclinar la cabeza

Keep your hand open

Spreading your fingers and keeping your thumbs pointed at each other can help you have better grip and performance when doing pushups . In addition, this position will allow you to have a better balance and obtain better results when working the upper back muscles and the triceps.

In this way, by keeping your hands open and parallel, you can generate more tension in the body, which will help you do the push-ups . Also, you must support your wrists under your shoulders to have a good balance and efficiently work your pecs.

Beneficios de mantener tu mano abierta al hacer flexiones

Avoid spreading your elbows and arms too far

Keeping your elbows together, avoiding spreading your armpits too far, can help you do the push-ups more comfortably and safely. In addition, it will help you avoid injuries to the rotator cuff and your shoulders, and reduce the effort when climbing .

In this sense, when you start doing push-ups you should extend your arms, and your elbows and hands should be below your shoulders . Likewise, your arms should be parallel to each other and perpendicular to your body and the ground. In this way, with these keys to progress doing push-ups, you will protect your joints and work your back muscles and triceps more.

Importancia de no separar demasiado tus codos y brazos

Control your breathing

Breathing is an important factor when exercising as it will allow the body to efficiently oxygenate itself to achieve goals. For this reason, it is important to practice breathing and do it consciously .

In this sense, to improve your performance when doing push-ups, you can inhale when bending the elbows and lower, and exhale when extending them to raise . In this way, you will avoid staying for a long time without breathing and you will be able to do more and better push-ups.

Claves para progresar haciendo flexiones: controlar la respiración

Try to get as close to the ground as possible

When doing push-ups it is important that you try to bring your body as close to the ground as possible, as this will make you progress faster . In addition, it will allow you to work more muscles and take advantage of all the benefits of push-ups.

In this sense, you should make an effort to fully bend your elbows when bringing your body closer to the ground and fully extend them when moving away . Similarly, if you find it difficult initially, you can rest your knees on the floor or do vertical push-ups on the wall while you adjust.

Evaluar el rango de movimiento, una de las principales claves para progresar haciendo flexiones

Seeks to push the ground away from you

Seeking to move the ground away from you rather than off the ground can create a sensation in your body that will help you propel yourself more easily. In this way, you will achieve the necessary tension and create an effect on your body that will help you do more and better push-ups .

This is one of the keys to progress doing push-ups that can help you achieve fast and effective results . In addition, it will require more muscles to perform the movements, so it will be an effective exercise.

Claves para progresar haciendo flexiones: empujar el suelo lejos de ti

Recommendations for doing push-ups

When doing push-ups, it 's important to keep your back straight and relax your neck muscles to avoid spinal injury . Also, to achieve better push-ups you should bend and extend your elbows as much as possible and breathe consciously. You must bear in mind that the quality of the exercises is more important than their quantity, so you should focus on doing them well.

If you initially find them difficult, you can try wall push-ups or resting your hands on a piece of furniture or your knees on the floor. In this way, your body will adapt until you can do the traditional push-ups without complications. Likewise, if you want to work your chest more, you must separate your hands; But, if your main goal is the biceps, you should join them under the breastbone . Also, if you want to exercise your delts, you will have to do the push-ups with your feet resting on a chair, bench, or step.

Recomendaciones para seguir las claves para progresar haciendo flexiones


Push-ups are practical exercises that allow you to develop your muscles without the need to purchase materials. In this sense, you can obtain satisfactory results using your own body weight to train . For this reason these exercises are popular, since they help to work a large number of muscles in a comprehensive way.

However, to obtain satisfactory results it is important to maintain good body posture and control breathing. In this way, these keys to progress doing push-ups will help you strengthen your body in a simple, practical and effective way .