7 ingredients every multivitamin should have

There are many types of multivitamins on the market, since they fulfill unique functions in the body. Getting the nutrients the body needs through food is impossible in most cases, so taking a daily multivitamin can help build a good foundation for your health.

In case of pregnancy, menopause or chronic diseases, the intake of supplements is practically mandatory. The same is recommended for people with high levels of stress, irregular sleep and lack of physical activity.

Discover 7 ingredients that all multivitamins should have .

7 ingredientes que todo los multivitamínicos deberían tener

The 7 ingredients that your multivitamin should have

1. Vitamin D

It is known that this vitamin can be obtained just by exposing yourself to the sun for about 15 minutes. However, the vast majority of people do not, either because they live in areas with little sunlight, work long hours in an office, or because they use too much sunscreen, which obstructs the absorption of vitamin D.

Another way to stock up on this important vitamin is through foods such as fatty fish, egg yolks, and fortified foods such as milk, juices, and cereals.

1.1 Why is vitamin D important?

This vitamin helps the body absorb calcium. Not obtaining the necessary dose can increase the risk of contracting diseases, suffering back pain, as well as an exaggerated loss of bone and capillary strength.

If you find it difficult to obtain this nutrient naturally, accompany your orange juice with a multivitamin that contains vitamin D.

Los 7 ingredientes que tu multivitamínico debería tener

2. Magnesium

This essential mineral can be obtained from food or some supplements. Magnesium is very important for maintaining bone health , as well as helping the body produce energy. Similarly, it helps reduce stress, regulate muscle and nerve function, and balance blood sugar levels. Also, it is effective in alleviating sleep problems and regenerating proteins, bones, and even DNA.

2.1 In what foods can you find magnesium?

If you add pumpkin, spinach, artichokes, soy, beans, tofu, brown rice or nuts to your diet, you will be consuming sources of magnesium. Try this before choosing the multivitamin supplements you are going to take, most of the time the deficiency is due to not consuming the correct foods.

7 ingredientes esenciales en un multivitamínico

3. Calcium

This mineral is necessary if you want to have healthy and strong bones and teeth. Its consumption is important, especially in women, since they lose bone density at an earlier age than men.

Keep in mind that strengthening your bone density from an early age is the best defense against osteoporosis.

3.1 In what foods can you get calcium?

It can be obtained from fortified cereals, milk, cheese, yogurt, salted fish, broccoli, kale, nuts, nut butters, beans, and lentils.

Un buen multivitamínico debe contener calcio

4. Zinc

If you are an elderly person or you are under a lot of stress, you should take care that foods that contain zinc are present in your diet. However, it is a mineral for all ages, as it supports the immune system and helps the body use carbohydrates, proteins, and fats for energy. In addition, it contributes to wound healing.

4.1 What foods are a source of zinc?

Your body cannot store zinc, so make sure to eat oysters, grass meat, pumpkin seeds, spinach, organ meats, tahini, sardines, brown rice, wheat germ, and tempeh.

Ingredientes que deben contener todos los multivitamínicos

5. Iron

One of the benefits of iron is increased energy, improved brain function and healthier red blood cells. While it is true that not everyone needs the same amount of this mineral, iron must be present in all multivitamin supplements .

If you are one of those who eat red meat, it is likely that your body has the necessary dose of iron. However, consider that if you have your menstrual cycle, are going through puberty or are pregnant, your iron demand increases.

For this reason, make sure that your daily diet complements red meat dishes with other foods rich in iron or simply check that your multivitamin contains it.

El hierro es un ingrediente esencial de todo multivitamínico

6. Folate

Folic acid stands out because it helps prevent birth defects and achieves a good development of the fetus, which is why it is vital for pregnant women. However, its benefits are not limited to it. It is also known to help nail growth, fight depression, and fight inflammation.

Where can you find it naturally? In foods with dark green leaves, avocados and beans. If you want to find it in a multivitamin, you should choose one that reflects methyl folate on the label.

El ácido fólico ayuda a prevenir defectos de nacimiento

7. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is important for protein metabolism . In addition, it helps in the formation of red blood cells, the maintenance of the central nervous system and the breakdown of fats, proteins and carbohydrates that are consumed.

Most of the natural sources of vitamin B12 are of animal origin. These include meat, poultry, fish, and eggs. Leftover amounts of this vitamin leave the body through urine, so make sure your multivitamin contains it.

La vitamina B12 es importante para el metabolismo de proteínas


There are several reasons why you should take multivitamin supplements . In general, its consumption will help you obtain the recommended amounts of vitamins and minerals that you cannot cover only with the diet.

However, before starting to take supplements, you should consult with a specialist and verify that they contain at least these seven essential ingredients. Each of them provides unique benefits for the proper functioning of the body.

We leave you the best multivitamin offers


  • Kassel, G. According to Nutritionists, These Are the 7 Ingredients Your Multivitamin Should Have. For Healthline. [Revised March 2020]