7 factors that cause you gas (not including food)

We are aware that there are foods that produce annoying gases in our abdomen. Therefore, before sitting down to eat some spicy tacos with chili or a plate of peas with cabbages, make sure to be at home, with a service nearby.

Gas is normal, and you probably fart about 20 times a day. Sounds like a lot, huh? Normally, your diet is the culprit for the appearance of air. When we eat, we swallow air and bacteria in the gut break down food. This process often leads to uncomfortable flatulence.

mujer con gases y estres

Even so, there are other factors that contribute to its appearance, almost without realizing it.

Factors that cause gas in the belly

You have stress

If your work used to give you stress, this is added to the fact that we went through a pandemic, that our children are at home or that you have problems with your partner. The mind and digestive system have an intimate connection, so it's no wonder that when you're stressed, your stomach pays for it.

Stress also encourages you to choose a less healthy diet. Many of us drink more sweets, more coffee, drink alcohol or chew gum non-stop. All these habits cause an increase in flatulence.

We can't tell you not to stress, but you can do your part to eat a balanced diet, limiting the intake of the foods mentioned above. In addition, it will also keep you stable when going to the bathroom, which is essential to have less abdominal bloating.

You swallow a lot of air when you eat

When we eat quickly or without thinking, we expose ourselves to swallowing more air than usual. To avoid this, slow down your meals and stay focused on your mobile phone or television. Chew well. You already know that digestion begins in the mouth.
We've always heard that you should take about 24 bites before swallowing, but the measure should be on each one. Before passing the food down the esophagus, make sure it is almost mush.

persona rompiendo un cigarro de tabaco

You smoke regularly

Smoking is a negative habit in every way, especially for your respiratory system. But it's also normal for you to get gas when you swallow more air. If you really want to avoid having them, do yourself a favor and quit for good.

You have the rule

Women often have gastrointestinal problems before, during and after menstruation. Gas can be caused by fluctuations in progesterone and estrogen.

Although it is somewhat more difficult to control, you can improve your situation by exercising, eating a balanced diet and limiting the consumption of ultra-processed foods.

You don't have a good night's rest

Whether you're hooked on Peaky Blinders or worried about your job, not getting enough sleep can help with farting. Lack of sleep is similar to being on alert, and our body releases cortisol, which can cause bloating and gas.

Experts recommend that we sleep between 7 and 9 hours at night. So instead of snoozing your alarm, try going to bed a little earlier than usual.

Do you take any medication

Any medication can cause flatulence, both over-the-counter and prescription drugs and supplements. Ibuprofen and aspirin, which are often taken for headaches or muscle pain, are common to cause gas, diarrhea, or constipation.

Iron supplements and metformin , a common prescription drug for treating diabetes, have also been found to favor their appearance.

A good solution is to take these medications with food. However, ask your doctor if you can change your treatment, or how to avoid gas. Do not make a decision for yourself, ask a professional.

You have a digestive problem

It is very normal for there to be digestive conditions that generate bloating, abdominal discomfort and flatulence. Among them are constipation or irritable bowel syndrome. The appearance of stomach viruses or bacteria must also be taken into account.
Many people who have a hiatal hernia or stomach ulcer experience reflux or heartburn, which is often linked to gas and bloating.