6 symptoms that warn of a lack of vitamin D

Vitamin D provides a wide range of functions and is essential for many aspects of health. It plays an important role in bone health, hormonal regulation, reducing inflammation, and maintaining the nervous and muscular system. You may have initial symptoms when you are deficient in vitamin D, but with prolonged deficiency symptoms are quite severe.

Symptoms of a lack of Vitamin D

Bone pain or bone fractures

This vitamin helps the body absorb calcium, at all ages, so getting enough along with calcium to help prevent osteomalacia (soft bones) and osteoporosis (low bone mineral density) as you age.

suplementos de vitamina d

Muscle weakness has been observed in people with rickets and osteomalacia, according to an April 2017 research published in Therapeutica Advanceces in Musculokeletal Disease. The researchers also observed that low levels of vitamin D were associated with a reduction in muscle mass, which could contribute to falls and fractures as you age.

This does not mean that supplementing with vitamin guarantees stronger muscles. According to a June 2018 review study published in Bone Reports, supplementation in athletes who were deficient showed mixed results. Some athletes showed improved performance, but others did not.

Muscle cramps

Whether you are an athlete or if you prefer a sedentary life, noticing muscle cramps is linked to deficiencies in micronutrients. It is usually linked to a lack of magnesium or potassium, but it can also be due to a deficiency of Vitamin D. Make sure you take the correct daily dose to avoid muscle injury and facilitate recovery after training.

fractura de mano por falta de vitamina d

Increased perspiration

Excess sweat on the forehead can indicate a vitamin D deficiency, although in the case of adults it can also be excess sweat without it being too hot. It is also common to feel it in the head, both in babies and adults.

Spinal deformities or stooped posture

In relation to having weaker bones, a lack of vitamin D can also influence hunched posture or deformities in the spine. Having fragile vertebrae can modify the posture in which our bones are kept in their proper position.

Poor growth in children

Having a correct diet is essential to nourish our body with all the minerals and vitamins necessary for vital functions. In the case of children, it is especially important for their growth. Vitamin deficiency can negatively influence its development.

Weakness or tingling

It can also happen that you feel more weak and tired when you have a vitamin deficiency.

Extremely insufficient vitamin D stores can lead to complications such as rickets or other serious medical conditions. Also, it can be linked to heart disease, cancer, infant mortality, diabetes, mood disorders, and an increased risk of infections.

What are the best sources of Vitamin D?

The dietary recommendations of the professionals are 600 IU of vitamin D per day. Sun exposure is the best source of vitamin D. The amount of vitamin synthesized through the skin is highly dependent on the pigmentation of the skin. If you have fair skin, your body can produce 10,000 to 25,000 IU of vitamin D in just 30 minutes, depending on the time of day and geographic location.

Foods that contain this vitamin include beef liver; fatty fish, such as tuna and salmon; cheese; egg yolks; and fortified foods , such as cereal, milk, orange juice, and yogurt.