6 drinks to reduce abdominal bloating fast

Abdominal bloating is usually common after eating a heavy meal or experiencing gas due to a bad routine. The most common thing is that you seek quick relief, but do not resort to the pills. First, prioritize other types of resources, such as anti-inflammatory drinks that improve your stomach.

Anti-inflammatory drinks that reduce abdominal inflammation


Without a doubt, the best drink will always be water. We are made of water and our body needs it to do its functions properly. One reason people feel bloated is because they need to poop and are constipated.

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Being able to evacuate easily requires that we drink sufficient amounts of water. In addition, we will feel less gas and more sensation of lightness. It is important that you always drink from the glass and not through a straw, as this causes us to swallow air unnecessarily.

Ginger tea

If you have stomach problems, drinking ginger tea can help eliminate bloating and gas (and even nausea).

Ginger is a carminative plant, which means that it can stop gas from forming or help the body expel gas. In addition, it is also an ideal ingredient to reduce general inflammation.

If you dare to prepare it, you have to know that the combination of a warm liquid and ginger makes this herbal tea a double blow to help calm the intestine.

Water with lemon

Legend has it that if you drink water with lemon you can lose weight. The truth is that there is no scientific evidence for this, but it is true that it can help eliminate abdominal bloating and constipation.

Most of the time, the stomach and intestines become inflamed from dehydration. By adding warm water, lemons can act as a mild laxative and help eliminate swelling. Also remember that citrus fruits provide a healthy dose of vitamin C and antioxidants that boost the immune system.

You just have to make sure you dilute your lemon juice properly as the acidity could damage the enamel on your teeth.

zumo de piña en un vaso para bajar la inflamación abdominal

Banana smoothies

In bland diets, the banana is present because it is rich in potassium and helps reduce inflammation. This mineral counteracts the effects of sodium, which if you are taking it in large quantities can be the cause of your belly inflammation.

However, it must be taken into account that ripe bananas can increase the sensation of gas, as they are rich in FODMAP (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols). These are carbohydrates that can be difficult to digest if you have irritable bowel syndrome.

Watermelon-infused water

Watermelon is one of the best foods to reduce bloating and control gas, but we know that when you feel bloated you don't feel like eating. Luckily, drinking watermelon juice provides the same benefits and keeps you well hydrated.

In addition, it also provides a good dose of potassium just like bananas. You just have to keep in mind that watermelon is also high in FODMAP, so it could increase your stomach problems in people with irritable bowel syndrome.

Pineapple juice

This type of juice reminds us of our childhood, but it could also be the best answer for an inflamed abdomen (as long as it is natural juice). This tropical fruit can alleviate stomach problems, as it contains an enzyme called bromelain , which helps the body break down protein and aids in digestion.

To get a good dose of the digestive enzyme, you just have to squeeze the center of the pineapple, where the bromelain is most abundant.

However, it should be added that science has not extensively studied the benefits of this enzyme in abdominal inflammation. If you have acid reflux, it is best not to take it for the citric content.