5 ways to support a co-worker with a chronic illness

All of us are exposed in one way or another to developing different types of life-challenging illnesses. However, sometimes it is not us or a family member who get sick, but a co-worker, and we are in the role of being the companions.

We will face a very different challenge, in which we will have to learn to put ourselves in the place of the other, and many times we do not know how to deal with the situation. In fact, many workers have doubts about their ability to support a colleague with a serious medical condition.

However, it is important to be aware that providing support in such a difficult situation can be an impulse to fight for the person affected. Therefore, we explain how you can support a co-worker with a chronic illness .

Formas de ayudar a un colega enfermo

5 ways to support a colleague with chronic illness

1. Show support and empathy

There are several ways we can show our partner that we care. Some of them are: listening carefully, showing real interest in how he is doing, always including him in social activities, sending him cards or flowers at the hospital, and encouraging him to do new things.

It is also important that if we do not know anything about your illness, we express it sincerely, for example through the following phrase: “I’m not sure what is happening to you, but count on me, I am with you and I will help you with what can ”.

If we have been close to someone with cancer, we can let them know as a way to build trust, but avoiding telling the story of the family member or friend.

We must bear in mind that the first way to support our colleague will be by providing an unconditional company. Knowing how to listen and dialogue will let you know that you are not alone, because you will feel that you have someone to fight or share until the last moment.

Formas de apoyar a un colega con una enfermedad crónica

2. Be cautious

You need to be careful when broaching the subject in front of the person. Not knowing how to say things can generate negative emotions that can also make your situation worse.

It is better to avoid comments that give false hope such as “everything will be fine”, because we do not know for sure if it will. Nor is it advisable to say “I understand you”, because even if we are aware of the difficult moment, we cannot know exactly what he feels. In addition, showing that you are a brave person or exhorting them to always remain positive is counterproductive, as they will feel pressure to be strong.

We must keep unsolicited opinions about what the person has to do and, of course, refrain from criticizing their physical appearance.

¿Qué decirle a un colega con una enfermedad crónica?

3. Respect their privacy

Not everyone should know about your partner’s illness. He has surely selected who he wants to share that news with, and if you are part of that group, the best thing you can do is respect his decision and not tell anyone else about his condition.

¿Qué evitar decirle a alguien enfermo?

4. Offer to do work tasks

People always want to feel useful, and even more so when they are in a stage where their body does not respond to them as it did in the past. Don’t be embarrassed about having to ask for help or favors, or even suggest that they do work tasks.

Instead of asking a co-worker with a disease what they can do, make a short list of work tasks and show them to do them: it is more practical and less stressful for the person you are trying to help.

Cómo ayudar a un compañero de trabajo con una enfermedad crónica

5. Don’t ignore the situation

Many times “ignoring” a colleague’s illness can make you feel that at work everything is going the way it used to, and that your illness has not interfered with your co-workers’ treatment of yourself. However, it may not be the best option.

Act how you would like your coworkers to treat you if you were the one in that position, and always be nice. On the other hand, if you feel a little uncomfortable, do a little more research on the illness your colleague is going through and when you feel ready, let him know that you are there for him when he needs you.

Cómo ayudar y apoyar a un compañero de trabajo enfermo


As a colleague and a stick of support for those dealing with life-challenging illnesses, it is important to educate yourself well in order to be more sure of how to act correctly. Going through these types of situations is not easy and requires a lot of patience and love.


  • Cassate, C. 5 Ways to Support a Co-Worker with a Chronic Illness. For Healthline. [Revised February 2020].