3 ways to release your anger in a healthy way

Anger is a psychological state that, although it is usually seen as something negative, is completely natural. Throughout our life, we are going to experience it several times, and that is not in itself a bad thing. The key when assessing whether our relationship with anger is healthy or not is to see to what extent it affects us, and if it significantly damages us or the people around us.

Knowing how to release anger in a healthy way is one of the most important factors when it comes to not letting this emotion dominate us and cause us to fall into destructive or self-destructive dynamics. In fact, being able to express your anger in a healthy way can even make you less prone to developing heart disease (Davidson & Mostofsky, 2010).

That is, the problem is not in feeling anger, anger or annoyance, but how you handle it. Therefore, we teach you the best ways to release your anger in a healthy way and thus achieve a balance between your feelings and actions.

Métodos sanos para controlar la ira

How to release your anger in a healthy way

1. Take a deep breath

Breathing deeply from your diaphragm (the large muscle at the base of your lungs that helps you breathe) can help ease feelings of anger . Deep, controlled breathing will slow down your heartbeat, stabilize blood pressure, and relax your body.

To do this, follow these steps:

  • Find a quiet place to relax. Get comfortable, lie down if you want, and loosen any tight or uncomfortable garments.
  • Place your hand on the abdomen.
  • Inhale slowly through your nose. Concentrate on filling your stomach with air as you breathe. Relax your abdomen as you inhale and you should feel your stomach expand. Hold this breath for a few seconds.
  • Breathe out slowly through your mouth. Contract your abdominal muscles to get all the air out of your lungs.
  • Repeat this process at least ten times.

If you have trouble breathing deeply :

  1. Purchase a children’s bubble bottle from a toy store.
  2. Hold the bubble wand in front of you and breathe slowly through it. Concentrate on exhaling from the lower abdomen, squeezing the air out.
  3. Breathing steadily and regularly will produce a stream of bubbles. If the bubbles break or don’t appear, adjust your breathing until they do.

Combine breathing exercises with a mantra or calming word or phrase for added benefit.

Consejos para liberar tu rabia de forma sana

2. Exercise

When you’re feeling angry, moderate exercise may help. If you can’t run or ride a bike, you can walk, stretch, and do other easier forms of exercise.

Even if you don’t have time to do a full exercise routine when you feel angry, try to take a few minutes. If possible, remove yourself from the situation that is causing your feelings of anger and shake your limbs vigorously. Even small physical distractions can help you feel better.

Sport presents us with the need to release energy by attending to a very clear objective that requires our full attention, which is why it is an excellent way to let anger go by itself . However, if you feel a lot of anger, perhaps a competitive sport is not the best option. In this case, focus on exercises performed individually, such as doing push-ups, or running in the park.

Entrenamiento para calmar la rabia

3. Calm your anger with humor

Use humor to help you deal with what is making you angry and possibly any unrealistic expectations you have about how things should go. This doesn’t mean that you should just laugh at your problems, but looking at them in a more cheerful way can help.

By not taking what is bothering you too seriously, you will have a better chance of seeing how insignificant the reasons you are upset are.

There are two caveats for when you use humor. First, don’t just try to “laugh” at their problems; Instead, use humor to help you deal with them more constructively. Second, don’t give in to cruel and sarcastic humor; that’s another form of unhealthy aggression.

What these techniques have in common is a refusal to take things too seriously. Anger is a serious emotion, but it is often accompanied by ideas that, if analyzed, can make you laugh.

Cómo calmar tu ira con humor


Anger is a natural emotion in human beings and it is not always a negative thing. It can help you know when you’ve been hurt or when a situation needs a change. The important thing is to learn to process and react to your feeling of anger.


  • Davidson, K. and Mostofsky, E. (2011). Anger Expression and Risk of Coronary Heart Disease: Evidence From the Nova Scotia Health Survey. American Heart Journal. doi: 10.1016 / j.ahj.2009.11.007