5 typical mistakes made in yoga classes

Yoga is one of the fashionable physical activities in recent years, but especially in western countries. This activity goes far beyond wearing flattering pants, controlling your breathing, or performing complicated postures. In fact, there are many factors that can be unfavorable when practicing it.

Unfortunately despite its great popularity, yoga is still practiced wrongly by some people, that is why you should know the main mistakes that are made in yoga classes .

Errores comunes en el yoga

5 mistakes made in yoga classes

1. Be late

It is not the same to be late for a meeting with friends than for a yoga class. If you have recently registered for one of these classes, it is necessary to arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes before so that you can solve all the pertinent documentation and meet the instructor.

Most instructors always want to welcome a new person into the group, and if he’s late, trust us you’ll start off on the wrong foot and with a bad image of yourself. Even if you’ve been practicing yoga for years, you need to show up a few minutes early to give yourself time to move from everyday life to yoga practice, and focus. In addition, you have the opportunity to notify the instructor if you feel any pain or discomfort before the class.

It’s also best for instructors to know injuries in advance, so they can offer you exercise modifications when needed.

Es importante no llegar tarde a la clase de yoga

2. Exceed

People try to move to the intermediate level as soon as possible, trying to follow in each iteration everything that the instructor mentions. In general this only leads to overdoing it or overdoing it, since, just as you wouldn’t run 10km on your first day of training, you don’t need to try to master all the yoga poses during your first class.

It’s okay to do the smoothest variations of each pose and take as many breaks as you need. Pauses will help your body recover faster. Also keep in mind that if you try to force a pose that is beyond your current range of motion and flexibility, you may end up hurt. And if you are tempted to compare yourself to the other students in the class, know that some of them may have been practicing yoga for years, so go at your own pace and don’t worry about what others are doing.

If you need it, the best posture to rest between yoga poses is the child’s or savasana.

Tomar descansos entre poses de yoga

3. Stand in the back

When you are new to a yoga class it is normal to feel a little fearful and it is because of them that we choose to put ourselves in the back, but sometimes this is not a good decision. In fact, it is difficult to see the instructor from behind and therefore more difficult to follow.

Instead of hiding, spread out your rug in the center of the room, if possible. This way, no matter which way the class is facing, you will always have good visibility and good examples around you.

Dónde colocarte en tu primera clase de yoga

4. Not wearing the right clothes

Many students wear inappropriate clothing for the practice of yoga, and this inhibits or hinders their movements. This makes it difficult to see the position of their bodies in the mirror, or even for instructors.

In yoga you need to see the postures of the joints to know what you are doing right or wrong. In the case of heated classes, it is recommended to use a specialized fabric that absorbs perspiration and, at the same time, allows the skin to breathe; that is, a sports bra instead of a tank top.

Debes usar ropa adecuada al practicar yoga

5. Hold your breath

Take note if you are inhaling and exhaling normally or if you are really holding your breath. If you are not taking a breath regularly, you could be hampering your practice. Your flow should be as easy as possible, and when you hold your breath, you actually increase your fight response, which can make you feel more anxious at the end of the class.

If you find yourself holding your breath, or even breathing with your mouth open, dial back the intensity until you can let the air in and out through your nose . This increases the amount of breath that goes into the lower lobes of your lungs and increases the oxygen in your system to help with recovery.

Debes controlar la respiración en el yoga


Yoga is not just a fashionable activity, it is much more than that. It is about meditation, concentration, physical effort (without overdoing it) and leaving the mind blank so that everything flows. So:

  • Don’t forget that punctuality is excellent for finalizing details about classes.
  • Never wear clothing that may hinder your movements in any lesson.
  • Breathing is important in this practice. Oxygenate your brain, helps you focus and frees your mind.
  • Do not overdo the exercises, you could get hurt when performing or forcing a position.


  • 6 Mistakes you’re probably making in yoga class. For Dailyburn [Revised November 2017]