5 tips to overcome your fear of defecating in public

You're out and about, coffee in hand, and the impulse comes over you. For some people, this can be your worst nightmare. And we get it: your poop can smell bad, someone will know what you're doing in the barn, and the seat might not be clean.

If you dread knowing that someone intuits what you are doing, you are not alone. Up to 32 percent of people may have some type of concern about public defecation, according to ToiletAnxiety.org.

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Whether you're just a little grossed out by the idea or trying to avoid it at all costs, it's worth trying to get more comfortable with the concept, at least for your gastrointestinal health.

When you have to go, you should go. We do not recommend that you postpone your bowel movements. Holding back your stool develops bad bowel habits and can ultimately lead to constipation, hard stools, and straining. Over time, this contributes to other problems, such as hemorrhoids or difficulty having a bowel movement (also known as passing stool), which can create long-term problems.

Why are you embarrassed to go to public service?

Your poop smells

Sure we do, we all have our unique poop scent, and it tends to not be pleasant.

If you're worried about stinking, bring and use a toilet water spray, such as Poo-Pourri, an essential oil spray that creates a barrier on the water's surface to trap volatile odor chemicals underneath so they never have a chance to populate. the bathroom.

Is the seat clean?

It might help to know that your smartphone can carry 10 times more germs than toilet seats that are cleaned regularly.

If sitting in the seat is a concern for you, we recommend using toilets that you know are cleaned regularly (there is usually a mark of when it was cleaned on the door), which can ease some concerns.

Of course, you'll want to clean the seat if it's wet or visibly dirty, but if it looks dry and clean, there's probably nothing to worry about. Even if there is a disease-causing bacteria there, it would be difficult to enter your body unless you have an open wound. Just make sure to wash your hands afterwards.

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You are worried about COVID

If you avoid going because you are concerned that something or someone you come into contact with in a public bathroom could end up infecting you with COVID-19, take these precautions suggested by Harvard Health Publishing:

  • Wear a mask
  • Use toilet paper or a paper towel to touch any surface
  • Don't touch your face while you're there (don't take out the phone either)
  • Wash your hands well before going out

You are very nervous

Try deep breathing exercises. Inhaling and exhaling through the diaphragm (also known as abdominal breathing ) takes advantage of the body's natural relaxation response and serves as a pleasant distraction that can get you out of your head.

These breaths also massage your gastrointestinal system, which encourages a bowel movement.

To do this, inhale through your nose for four seconds, fill your belly with air, then hold your breath for two seconds, and exhale through your mouth for six seconds. Repeat as many times until you feel good.

Other people may know what you are doing

There's a term for this stool-related anxiety: Parcopresis , also known as "shy gut." That last nickname makes it sound cute, but it can be really distressing if you suffer from it because, in severe cases, it can make you afraid to leave your house for fear of having to use the bathroom.

Toilet anxiety has been found to be associated with social anxiety , according to May 2016 research in Cognitive Behavior Therapy.

Social anxiety disorder is an intense fear of being judged or viewed negatively in social situations. In relation to having a bowel movement in public, people may feel embarrassed, as well as being overly concerned about the sounds and smells associated with defecation.

This fear can be worse if you have an underlying gastrointestinal condition, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Seeking treatment for gastrointestinal conditions, as well as taking care of your mental health by talking to a psychologist or therapist helps to work and develop useful tools (including exposure therapy) to control anxiety.