5 symptoms of eating too many carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are the great feared by many people, thanks to popular diets and compelling slogans that it is the worst nutrient. But should you still think carbohydrates are bad in a weight loss plan? The truth is that no. There are some, such as oats, potatoes and whole grains that provide energy to the body and prevent us from overeating.

Hydrates within the omplejos c are united in chains long and complex, requiring more energy and time to break down sugar for energy. This macronutrient is the body's preferred fuel source, as it takes the least amount of work to convert to energy compared to protein or fat.

plato con muchos carbohidratos

Many of the complex type are excellent sources of fiber (such as legumes, fruits, and beans), a nutrient that promotes weight loss, satiety, and gut health. So if you're considering reducing your intake to lose weight, you may want to reconsider again.

Even so, we should not abuse eating carbohydrates, whether complex or not. If you are intrigued to know if you consume too much, we show you the most well-known symptoms.

Symptoms of eating too many carbohydrates

A healthy diet should make us feel energetic, since food is fuel for our body and helps us face the day. Complexes can contribute to this energy, but overeating (whether complex or simple) can be counterproductive.

You are always bloated

If you feel like you're constantly bloated, carbs could be the culprit. The sugar in this nutrient can decrease the diversity of healthy bacteria in our gut, slowing down our digestive system and creating bloating.

Additionally, bacteria in the colon ferment fiber, starches, and some sugars, which produce gaseous compounds in the body.

This usually happens when we eat refined carbohydrates . This type creates an osmotic effect due to the high amounts of sodium and draws water out of the intestines. Resulting in the annoying bloating, constipation and feeling of gas or discomfort.

You should also keep in mind that while fiber is an essential nutrient for weight loss and satiety, it can also cause gastrointestinal problems if taken too quickly. It is best to add it to your diet gradually until the body gets used to it.

You are gaining weight

It is normal that if we get fed up with eating anything, we are contributing to weight gain. However, eating excess carbohydrates can translate into excess calories , since foods that contain this nutrient are also high in fat.

For example, sweets like cakes, pies, and cookies are considered sugary foods, but they get at least half of their calories from fat. These calories, from carbohydrates and fat, are very low in nutrients in general, which is why they are considered empty calories.

Although this does not only happen in sweets. Sometimes it can be a question of how you are eating your healthy carbs. Many people combine potatoes with a fat, such as gravy. To get the benefits of complex carbohydrates, it is best to combine them with healthier alternatives.

mujer intentando dormir despues de comer carbohidratos

You have trouble sleeping

There are many reasons why you might have a hard time falling asleep. But if you like to eat at night, this may be the problem. Eating carbs requires your body to work and process sugar, so if you are snacking before going to sleep, you are asking your body to act instead of resting.

On the other hand, carbohydrates can speed up your sleep state, especially those with a high glycemic index.

If you eat late into the night and have trouble falling asleep, try setting a limit earlier so your body has enough time to process food before going into sleep mode.

You are tired all the time

If you're feeling particularly tired, carbohydrates could be contributing to your lethargy state. Brain fog and headaches are also symptoms of a carbohydrate overdose.

When choosing a carbohydrate-based meal, it is important to combine it with other nutrients such as protein and healthy fats. Your brain relies on glucose for energy, but it consumes it quickly if you choose simple or refined carbohydrates over those with more fiber and grains.

Eating too many carbohydrates can spike your blood sugar and then cause that crash that leaves you feeling sluggish. To avoid falling, be sure to combine your carbs with other nutrients.

You get pimples

We all thought that acne would stop showing up when we were out of adolescence, but many adults have breakouts even in their 30s or 40s. This is due to our genetics and specific hormones, but breakouts can also be a sign that something is wrong with our diet.

The sugars in carbohydrates increase the production of androgens , which are linked to hormonal acne. For many of us, when we overeat carbs, we can have a flare-up. This type of rash usually occurs on the lower third of the face , so if you see acne along the mouth and jaw line, it could be a clear sign that you are eating too many carbohydrates.