5 signs that you are suffering from a nutrient deficiency

To know if a person is suffering from a nutrient deficiency , it is not necessary to spend a whole day with them, asking them how they feel. You just need to look at it carefully.

For several years now, the field of medicine has shown that the greatest symptoms of nutrient deficiency do not refer only to the classic exhaustion that we all know; but also to the signals that are most easily visible, through the skin or hair.

Some of these symptoms are subtle, so they can easily be mistaken for any temporary illness. However, knowing and caring for them may be more important than we think.

Corregir la deficiencia de nutrientes

5 signs of a nutrient deficit

1. Dry skin

Normally having a little dry skin is not a problem, especially when we go through cold climates. However, if this remains constant over long periods of time, it may be a sign that something is wrong with our nutrition.

In terms of nutrition, dry skin can be the result of not ingesting enough Omega 3 fatty acids, which are responsible for helping to nourish the lipid barrier that protects the skin from germs and toxins that affect its composition.

To avoid this, experts recommend eating a diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids, through fish such as salmon or tuna, along with walnuts, flaxseed and chia seeds.

Síntomas de estar en déficit de nutrientes

2. Chapped and sore lips

Regular use of moisturizers on the lips to cure dryness can also be a sign of nutrient deficiency.

Chapped lips are a classic symptom of riboflavin or vitamin B2 deficiency. In the long term, this deficiency can lead to bigger problems, such as nerve damage, which can lead to joint shudders.

To fix riboflavin deficiency, you need to eat foods like almonds, salmon, cheddar cheese, and eggs.

Síntomas de padecer un déficit nutricional

3. Wounds difficult to heal

When the healing time of a wound is too long, it can be another symptom of a deficit of nutrients , especially protein.

Protein, whether of vegetable or animal origin, is an essential nutrient for tissue regeneration, so we must keep its consumption within a range of between 20 and 30 grams per meal. Another aspect that could also play a role in slow healing, although to a lesser extent, is the lack of vitamin C, another nutrient involved in our ability to heal.

It is not necessary to consume a beef steak at every meal to increase our protein levels. Simple gestures like adding more beans, egg, or milk to our diets can make a big difference. In the case of vitamin C, eating strawberries, red peppers, grapefruit, and other foods can also be of great help.

Síntomas de estar padeciendo un déficit nutricional

4. Bleeding gums

If you are one of those who floss frequently to clean your gums, and still experience constant bleeding when brushing, it is very likely that you have a vitamin K deficiency .

Vitamin K helps coagulation to take place normally, which is the process that prevents us from losing all our blood when we cut ourselves, make scrapes when we fall or when we injure ourselves with our toothbrush in a sensitive area such as the gums.

To correct the vitamin K deficiency , it is important to maintain a balanced diet, which includes green leafy vegetables such as Brussels sprouts or kale.

¿Por qué me sangran las encías?

5. Brittle nails

Although it is a problem that women tend to notice more, anyone who experiences nail pain or simply has brittle nails, may be experiencing a biotin deficiency .

Biotin promotes mitosis that leads to the constant formation of new cells; Without it, the nail plates are not renewed properly, causing them to become brittle.

To increase biotin levels , you can consume boiled eggs, walnuts, or whole grains. Biotin supplements have also been shown to reduce brittle nails by up to 25%.

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  • Tremblay, Sylvie. 10 Weird Signs You’re Not Getting Enough Nutrients. For Livestrong. [Revised April 2017].