5 myths about hair loss

Having hair fall out is a concern for many people. We know that depending on the time of year we are in, usually in the fall, hair loss increases. Yes, the hair grows, but its total life span is about 7 years, in which it is also influenced by hormonal changes or medications.

We should not be alarmed that the hair falls out, because it is something normal and common for it to change. We should be concerned if it is too much or too often, so many of the myths you have heard so far are surely false. We demystify some and confirm some rumors about hair loss.

mitos caída del pelo

Washing your hair every day favors the fall

Many people are against washing their hair on a daily basis, since according to popular belief the risk of falling increases. The reality is that what really matters is the type of shampoo you apply; If a person has oily hair, it is normal to wash it regularly and with a shampoo suitable for that type of hair. This will reduce the effect of the sebum and will stay cleaner for longer.

What is true is that oily hair suffers more from hair loss, since the fat covers the hole of the follicle and does not allow the hair to have a normal life cycle.

Pigtails pluck hair

Any hairstyle that excessively stretches our hair will help them to come out of the follicle more easily. That is why after training and removing our ponytail, we see how a few hairs have remained on the gum. It is not convenient to wear tight hairstyles, but this does not mean that pigtails or braids are a bad option to collect our mane.
What we must do is give it a break and not keep it collected all day.

Stress is a major cause

This is a true statement. Yes, stress is one of the main causes of alopecia. This state causes hair and melanin to be lost, giving way to gray hair.
If we suffer stress, the hair falls out, and when it falls, our stress increases by seeing us suffer from alopecia. We enter a loop, in which the solution is only mental.

Tobacco and alcohol increase the fall

Alcohol does not directly affect hair loss, but it does with shine and dryness. We will notice a less beautiful mane visually and with a tendency to break more easily.

As for tobacco , it is a drawback. This substance hinders the transport of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that the blood carries throughout our body (including the hair follicle). Experts recommend that smokers increase their consumption of vitamin C, so that their hair doesn't fall out as much and "protect" the skin.

Hair products, irons, and hairdryers are also problematic

Obviously, it is also true. Any external agent that produces changes in our hair, either by temperature or by chemicals, will cause our hair to weaken and end up falling sooner.

In the case of using jelly, wax, lacquer or foams, the risk of falling does not increase. However, the hair dryer, curling irons or irons do break and weaken it.