5 glute exercises with TRX to tone and strengthen the area

It may be hard to believe, but the buttocks are one of the most important areas of the body. The muscles of which they are composed – gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minus – are responsible for the movements in which both the pelvis and the hips take part. In this way, they help us maintain our upright posture . In order for you to exercise this part of your anatomy, throughout this article we are going to explain glute exercises with TRX . You will notice results in a short time as long as you are constant and make an effort in each of the movements.

Glute exercises with TRX

Many of the goals one sets for oneself, whether in sports or others, can be difficult to achieve. But based on perseverance and effort , we will achieve everything that we set out to do. For this reason, if you perform the following glute exercises with TRX , you will achieve the figure you have been looking for for so long. You just need willpower and a little time to achieve the goal you have set for yourself.


ejercicios de glúteos con TRX

It is very simple to do and at the same time very complete. Squats will not only favor our glutes, but they will also strengthen our legs. The exercise consists of doing push-ups on your knees. In this way, stand facing the anchor point, with your feet placed on the ground, a little further out than the line of the hips. Hold both straps of the TRX with your hands and gently pull on them, keeping your arms at chest level.

Now, bend your knees bringing your buttocks closer to the floor, as if you were going to sit on a chair. Lean your body back and keep your back straight. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Get back to the starting position, climbing slowly. Use the TRX to help you get up, but try to exert most of the force with your legs. Include this exercise in your routines with 15 repetitions.

Sprinter start

ejercicios de glúteos con TRX

The sprinter’s start is an exercise typically performed by cyclists to improve leg strength . To do this, you will have to stand with your back to the anchor of the trx , with the bands held in your hands and your arms close to the trunk with your elbows bent. Now, lean your body forward about 45º with both legs together.

The progression is carried out by taking the body straight back, bending the knee of the front leg and stretching the one behind. Later, return to the starting position by straightening your front leg and bringing both legs together again. You can increase the level of this exercise by incorporating a jump when you return to the point where you started. Do 15 reps on each leg .

Suspended strides

Suspended lunges are perfect for exercising your glutes with TRX . First, place the TRX bands in medium length and put them together . Next, stand upright with your back to the anchor and rest one foot on the TRX stirrups.

Once this is done, bend the knee of the leg that you have resting on the ground and descend towards it, at the same time that we extend the back leg back, but without resting the knee on the ground. Return to the starting position by straightening the knee of the front leg again and bringing the knee of the suspended leg up toward the hip.

Leg curls

Leg curls are another great exercise to strengthen your glutes , as well as your hamstrings and hips. To perform them, we will lie on the floor in a prone position (face down) and place our feet on the TRX, raising the hips slightly. Once we are in this position, we will perform leg push-ups in an alternative way (we bend one and stretch the other) bringing the knees towards the chest.

It is not a difficult exercise. Now, if our physical condition is not very high and we see that we tire too quickly doing it this way, we can make a small variation. We will only have to do the leg curls with the hips resting on the floor. It is advisable to carry out the exercise for 45 seconds .

Hip lifts

ejercicios de glúteos con TRX

The last of the glute exercises with TRX is the hip lift. In addition, it will also help us to strengthen our legs . To begin, we will return to the supine position (face up), with the arms resting on the floor and the hips in the air.

The progression is done by bending the knees towards the chest , without the hips touching the ground, hence the name of the exercise. You will only have to perform 15 repetitions to get good results in a short time. Now, do not forget how important it is to do it correctly so as not to injure yourself at any time.

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