5 foods that cause inflammation

Avoiding chronic inflammation is an important factor in staying healthy. And to do that, it would probably help to know what exactly inflammation is and what are the foods that contribute to it.

For starters, not all types are considered bad. Acute inflammation is a reaction that protects your body from infection. This type occurs when you cut your finger or are battling a cold, and the reaction means your body is working to heal itself.

carne roja que causa inflamacion

However, when it persists, chronic inflammation develops; this is the type you want to avoid as much as possible. Over time, chronic inflammation wreaks havoc on your body. The condition is associated with heart disease, diabetes, dementia, depression, cancer, and arthritis, among others.

Diet plays an important role in the development and prevention of chronic inflammation. You can reduce your risk by filling your plate with more plant-based foods (whole grains, legumes, and vegetables), foods rich in antioxidants (berries, tea, avocados), and Omega-3s (salmon and tuna). The Mediterranean diet (which is rich in plants, antioxidants, and Omega-3s) has an anti-inflammatory effect, according to science.

Although there are several types of foods that can help fight inflammation, there are also some that promote the condition.

The worst foods that cause inflammation

Processed meats

Processed red meat you like it hot Dog, sausages and bacon loved breakfast, are proinflammatory.

The WHO already alerted it a few years ago, but it continues to show that processed red meat leads to increased levels of inflammation in the body and is associated with an increased risk of type II diabetes.

Eating even small amounts of processed red meat increased levels of C-reactive protein (CRP), a marker of inflammation.

Added sugars

Eating too much added sugars, found in soda, candy, and regular baked goods, can increase chronic inflammation in the body. Added sugars are not the same as natural sugar, such as that found in fruit.

It is recommended to limit the intake of added sugar to no more than 6 teaspoons (100 calories or 25 grams) per day for women and 9 teaspoons (150 calories or 36 grams) for men.

comida que causa inflamación

Refined carbohydrates

Refined carbohydrates can be found in foods like white bread, white rice, and crackers . Although there are also other sources such as cookies, don ut s, muffins and cakes.

When carbohydrates are described, " refined " means that it is not a whole grain: the grain has been processed, without the bran and germ, which contains most of the fiber in the food.

This lack of fiber is believed to be one reason why refined grains are pro-inflammatory.

Trans fat

This type of processed fat has been eliminated from much of our food supply due to its detrimental effect on heart health. Science in each of their studies has shown that trans fatty acids are pro-inflammatory as well.

Although its use is prohibited in many countries, it is still possible to find it in some products such as margarine, fried foods, microwave popcorn and frozen pizzas.

Alcohol in any of its forms

It doesn't take much to drink too much alcohol. Health professionals recommend that women consume no more than one drink a day and men two a day.

Drinking is considered excessive for women at four drinks a day (five drinks for men) and eight drinks over the course of a week (15 drinks for men).

One of the harms of overdoing it with alcohol is inflammation in the gut and liver . Over time, this evolves into chronic inflammation that affects most of the body.