5 drinks that cause gas and bloating

Whenever we try to reduce gas and bloating, we think about the foods that may be causing those uncontrollable farts. But not only chickpeas or broccoli are to blame, some drinks can also cause flatulence or intestinal problems. So pay attention to what you drink to avoid an upset stomach.

If you find that a drink makes you feel bloated, it doesn't mean that you always have to avoid drinking it; By drinking smaller doses, you can control this problem.

vaso de leche que produce gases

Drinks that produce gas and bloating


No matter what type of soda you drink, those bubbles that float in your drink can cause gas in the abdomen. In addition, the light versions are twice as troublesome for the stomach, since they contain artificial sweeteners that the intestine does not tolerate well.

Polyalcohols are found in artificial sweeteners and carry water into the intestine, so it is normal to feel gas and bloating. Even this type of sugar can have a laxative effect.

Carbonated or sparkling water

Now it has become fashionable among people who want to take care of their health, but pretend that they drink a soda without ingesting sugar. You may keep blowing up like a balloon every time you drink carbonated water, and the problem is the bubbles again.

Although it may appear harmless, it is normal for it to cause more stress on the stomach. Not only bubbles play a fundamental role in this symptom, drinking with alcohol can inflame the intestine and double the inflammation.

Additionally, alcohol can alter the composition and function of the gut microbiota, according to a study published in 2017 in Alcohol Research: Current Reviews. This is very troublesome for the bacteria in your abdomen because they play an important role in your gut health. And, if that weren't enough, if you are sensitive to some of the ingredients in alcohol, you will be building a stomach pump.


We are not here to tell you that dairy is the worst thing in the world, backwards. Milk is very beneficial for the body, although in certain people it causes gastrointestinal damage. It is common to notice gas or abdominal bloating when we are lactose intolerant. The main problem is that lactose cannot be digested well, which is a sugar that is found naturally in milk.

Still, even if milk never caused stomach problems, it's normal for you to feel changes as you age.

café en una taza

Protein shakes

If you're just starting out on protein supplements and find yourself inflating like a balloon, it most likely has a lot to do with whey . This ingredient is commonly found in protein powder, and is a by-product of milk. So if you are lactose intolerant, choose vegan protein products.

Another factor to blame for this feeling is the sweetener used in the shake. Sugar substitutes are used to sweeten products, but they can cause diarrhea or bloating. Stop taking it completely and you will notice that the effects stop appearing around 3 or 4 days later.


We all know the effect of a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Although this drink itself is not a factor that irritates everyone's intestines, there are people who are sensitive to caffeine and, as a result, digestive problems such as diarrhea or gas can appear.
According to experts, your degree of sensitivity to caffeine is related to your genetic makeup. So if your mother doesn't tolerate coffee either, you can blame your DNA for causing these effects on you.

Don't drink with a straw

We know that it is desirable to drink through a straw to avoid staining or keeping the lipstick intact. But the truth is that drinking with this utensil can lead to increased air intake and abdominal bloating. By sucking, we introduce more air that can end up in the intestine and generate the annoying gases.

If we add to this drinking too fast, you will increase your air intake and your stomach will become much more inflamed. It is best not to use a straw and drink slowly.