4 Fitness trends that you will observe in 2020

With the New Year comes new opportunities to improve your performance and try new methods of exercise. You don't need to give up your old favorite routines, but you can learn new techniques to increase your long-term benefits.

This is an excellent opportunity to open up to new experiences, giving your body an arduous but satisfying workout to help you get through the next year. The new trends that are coming will amaze you for being novel and totally effective to obtain the body of your dreams.

We show you the next 4 fitness trends that you will observe in 2020 and how they will affect your training routines.

Las últimas tendencias fitness

4 fitness trends for 2020

1. Training classes will become more inclusive

The central idea behind this proposal is the inclusion of those sectors that, for years have felt excluded from training centers, and that is that those with physical or mental disabilities should feel equally deserving of obtaining a healthy life.

In the last year we could see how some chains of gyms and independent sites focused on bringing the world of fitness to everyone who wants to learn. The way they did it was by connecting each individual with a heart rate monitor or conducting a training survey on each one, to make sure that people see their personal growth throughout the sessions and put competition and rivalries aside.

But, in this new year, the instructors will take inclusion to another level, enabling various establishments to think about those with disabilities, adapting both the infrastructure of the institutions to the form of teaching. This would allow, firstly, a safe and trained space for individuals to improve their quality of life and secondly, include them in new social circles through exercise.

Additionally, instructors will need to go through a specific education so that they can identify what kind of changes are necessary due to the circumstances of the classes. In this way, exercises will be increased to improve the physical, cognitive and behavioral state of all people, regardless of their abilities.

El reto del deporte inclusivo

2. Virtual reality trainings will expand

How can virtual reality improve training? Basically, it will encourage you to exercise at any time of the day, since by being able to visualize a sunny day instead of a rainy one, your predisposition to train will improve.

We have noticed that in recent years virtual reality has gained popularity, mostly by video game enthusiasts, but by 2023 the sales of devices of this class will be double compared to 2019.

It is very easy to use them: you just have to download the games or applications you want to try, some are free and you can pay for more developed ones.

These incredible devices are divided into 2 categories according to their purchase prices: the cheapest have sensors capable of capturing movements and only connect with a smart cell phone; while the more expensive versions require a greater power source, therefore they must be connected to a computer or video game console. The good thing about the latter is that they offer a better quality and overall experience.

Maybe this is your best chance to try a new sport without leaving your home .

Realidad virtual para hacer ejercicio

3. Exercise will be more functional

Not everyone seeks extreme goals with exercise, many want it as a way to keep their bodies and minds healthy. Furthermore, strength is not only measured in physical terms but also in psychological terms, as a conflicted mind can easily sabotage your training.

Having a strong mindset will help you set new goals in 2020, trust yourself more, and encourage unknown experiences. To achieve this, the workouts must integrate physical activities with mental help, having health professionals analyze exercise habits and make recommendations in this regard.

Unfortunately, the only facilities that offer this type of care have a high monthly fee for the average individual. But instead, you can try functional exercises to improve your performance on a daily basis.

Functional training focuses on the exercises as a whole, leaving aside the isolation of specific muscles. In this way, your body learns to move, develops coordination, and stabilizes over time. In this way, you should add the following movements to your routine to start with this type of workouts:

  • Squats with the weight of your body
  • Push-ups
  • Bulgarian squats
  • Farmer's walk
Las ventajas del entrenamiento funcional

4. Trampoline jumping classes

A temptation from the 80s returns to make a splash in today's world. According to the most in-demand instructors, trampoline jumping classes will be a big trend in 2020. The reason this quirky sport is all the rage again is that it combines cardio exercise, simple choreography, toning and stretching effectively. And best of all, it is extremely fun.

In addition, jumping on a trampoline does not stress your joints as much as walking or running, but we assure you that your heart rate will accelerate its pace. In fact, such a routine can burn the same amount of calories as running 10 km in an hour.

This activity is a good option for any age, weight and height, you just have to buy a mini trampoline and practice in your own home. You can also look up different trampoline routines on the web and try to mimic them with caution.


Exercising is becoming more accessible and more entertaining, this means that healthy habits are going to become more popular trends and people can enjoy a better quality of life.

Always remember to be careful with the exercises you do and consult a professional if any are too demanding for your body.


  • Moira, L. 5 Fitness Trends You're Going to Love in 2020. For Livestrong [Revised December 2019].